Wallet diet is good for your heart, can reduce the risk of high blood pressure | aptitude


According to a new study by the University, a diet or herbal diet can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease including blood pressure triglycerides and l & rsquo; Toronto inflammation. The researchers said that in addition to lowering LDL cholesterol (or bad cholesterol) by about 30% in combination with a diet low in saturated fats, the researchers found that the diet limited others. factors for an estimated reduction in the overall risk of coronary heart disease by 13%, which includes angina and heart attack.

What is the diet?

The portfolio regime has four main components. Based on a 2000 calorie diet, it includes 45 grams of nuts, or about a handful; 50 grams of vegetable protein such as soy, or legumes such as beans and peas; 20 grams of viscous soluble fiber from oats, eggplant and apples; and 2 grams of plant sterols – natural compounds that inhibit the absorption of cholesterol and are often included in fortified products like margarine. Dietary and lifestyle modifications can enable patients to manage a high risk of cholesterol and cardiovascular disease.

John Sievenpiper, Associate Professor, said, "We know that the diet lowers LDL cholesterol, but we do not have a clear idea could do. This study provides greater clarity and certainty about the effects of diet and its health potential. "

How Does It Help

" We Start Saying to Patients: This Diet Will Help You Achieve Your Cholesterol Goals, But Sievenpiper

Membership in Diet Can Be Difficult for Some patients, but many find that the incorporation of only a few plant-based foods offers notable benefits. Some patients also opt for the portfolio's diet for ethical and environmental reasons: Herbal diets generally have a lower ecological footprint than standard Western diets or in the case of children, to avoid future problems with their diet. health.

in the journal – Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases.

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