West Nile Virus: Clay Mosquitoes and Glynn Counties Are West Nile Virus Positive


    West Nile virus: Clay and Glynn mosquitoes are positive for West Nile virus

County chiefs warn families after mosquitoes tested positive for West Nile virus in West Nile Virus the counties of Glynn and Clay. A little scary. A little near the house, "said Candace Smith.

Smith has just moved to Keystone Heights with his family, his home is backed by Lake Geneva, where an infected mosquito has been detected.

Mosquitoes also tested positive for West Nile virus in Glynn County, South-East Georgia


" You do not want to create places where (mosquitoes) can reproduce, and you can not do it. is one of the things that mosquito control has done, "he said." They went out and targeted areas where they could be breeding. "

A second series of tests is scheduled on Wednesday to determine if there are other infected mosquitoes in the area.

"We hope that because we were able to detect it quickly through proactive investigations, we can target it quickly and secure everything for communities – for the family s again. "

Glynn County also increased scheduled spraying until July 22.

Experts say mosquitoes are most active at dawn and dusk

They ask people to carry insecticides with DEET and get rid of any stagnant water on their properties . .

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