What are the benefits of hemp protein powder?


Nobody said that shopping for a protein powder would be easy! From casein to soy, from rice to pea, it can be hard to know which type will work best for your nutritional and individual training needs.

So, to help demystify one of the latest trends in protein powder – hemp powder – we talked to Bridget Freeman, ambbadador for Bulk Nutrients and nutritionist, and asked her all our questions about protein hemp.

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POPSUGAR AUSTRALIA: What is hemp protein?

Bridget Freeman: Hemp protein is produced cold pressed hemp oil extracted from the seeds of a plant called Cannabis Sativa.

PS: Are hemp proteins immune to psychoactive effects?

Bridget: The hemp protein powder is not psychoactive in any form whatsoever. It's safe, durable and an impressive source of fatty acids and amino acids.

PS: Can hemp protein fail a drug test?

Bridget: There will be no positive test for THC and it is impossible to get to eat hemp protein.

PS: What are the benefits of hemp protein?

Bridget: Hemp protein will benefit those who are looking for an all natural plant protein option that is still intact as a whole food. It is lactose-free, gluten-free and completely untreated. It has the full range of amino acids and is high in fiber, which is great for digestion and the feeling of being full. In addition, it has essential fatty acids and a balance of omega-3 and 6.

PS: Can hemp protein powder help with weight loss?

Bridget: Hemp protein has no direct property to burn fat or lose weight, however, because of low sodium levels, being low in hydrates Natural carbon, omega three and six essential fatty acids and protein levels, it blends well with a weight loss diet.

PS: Hemp protein powder is vegan or vegetarian?

Bridget: Yes, hemp protein is a 100% natural vegan and vegetarian plant product.

PS: How can you incorporate hemp protein into your diet?

Bridget: It can be added to smoothies, protein shakes, yogurt, sprinkled on almost any food and even used in cooking. It is also excellent in protein balls and has a nutty flavor.

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