
Pepperidge Farms is recalling four types of goldfish crackers because it is possible that the whey powder used in seasonings contains salmonella.

Pepperidge Farms recalls four types of Goldfish crackers on salmonella concerns. (Photo: Pepperidge Farm)
For years, Salmonella shedding has focused on raw or undercooked foods such as chicken,
But this summer there is concern that the bacteria may have been the kind of packaged products where we would never expect it – Goldfish Pepperidge Farm, Ritz Crackers and Kellogg's Honey Smacks. [19659008] It turns out that the potentially lethal pathogen is sneaky, able to survive not only in humid but dry environments. Whey powder, an ingredient often used in long-life dry foods, can be stained with salmonella.
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More: Harley-Davidson The Goldfish, Ritz Crackers and Swiss Rolls, manufactured by Flowers Foods and sold under various brands, would use whey powder manufactured by Associated Milk Producers, the US Food and Drug Administration said Tuesday. The recalls were launched "out of prudence".
"Nothing indicates for the moment that anyone has been disgusted by any of these products or that these products are contaminated," said the FDA Commissioner, Scott Gottlieb. declaration. "We know that these are products that are widely consumed by consumers, including children, which partly explains why we are taking action to quickly respond to this potential risk."
But grocery shelves can still be hit soon.
"Since there are probably other food products made by other manufacturers that also use this common ingredient, there could be other recalls in the coming days". On Tuesday, AMPI voluntarily recalled whey powder packaged in 50-pound and 25-kilogram bags produced at the Blair Cooperative's Wisconsin plant during certain periods in May and June. "
The company referred to it as" precautionary recall "and stated that all products shipped to manufacturers had been tested negative for Salmonella.
On Friday, the US Department of Agriculture (US Department of Transportation) said: Agriculture issued a public health advisory about some packages of Hungry-Man Chipotle Boneless Chicken Wyngz AMPI whey powder is among the ingredients
What is Salmonella?
C & Is a bacterium that affects about 1.2 million people in the United States each year, causing 23,000 hospitalizations and 450 deaths, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which are responsible for 1 million of these cases, of 19,000 hospitalizations and 380 deaths.
Salmonella comes from feces and is spread by contact. contaminating the next thing they touch or tiny spores of dirt, tinged with traces of animal poo, entering a fabr factory ication of food, according to Martin Bucknavage, a Pennsylvania Sta
Despite its badociation with raw protein, salmonella has nothing to do with fish. It was named after Dr. Daniel Salmon, who headed the Federal Bureau of Animal Industry in the late nineteenth century.
How can it end up in packaged foods?
but food companies do not want to take the risk, said Brian Kellerman, a food safety expert based in Columbus, Ohio. Salmonellae can thrive in a dry environment, and they can stay stuck on the equipment itself, which can cause problems for the next batch.
Salmonella is known for its ability to survive for a long time, even in a dry environment. E. coli and Listeria, which need moist environments. And the low infectious rate of salmonella means that it takes a small amount of bacteria to cause problems
What is whey powder?
Yes, like Little Miss Muffet's, but her whey came in wet form. The powder form is easier to work for food companies.
Whey, a byproduct of milk, is like "adding milk without adding milk," Bucknavage said. "You get the protein you need for the product."
What happens when salmonella is found in dry foods?
Factories where food is prepared will be thoroughly cleaned, experts say. Dry facilities – factories that manufacture packaged products such as cereals and crackers – are cleaned with the help of an ethanol-based, dry ice, acid-based disinfectant. peracetic or chlorine bleaching agent
. Kellerman, who awards more regulations requiring food manufacturing plants to test ingredients when they enter the door and to keep the equipment clean.
"We get better at finding it," he said. "The industry understands better how they are making their way."
What are the symptoms?
Diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps appear 12 to 72 hours after a person's infection, according to the CDC. Expect that they last four to seven days. Most people get better without any treatment, but if the diarrhea is severe, they must be hospitalized. The most vulnerable are the elderly, babies and people with weakened immune systems
How to prevent salmonella?
CDC's list of suggestions includes:
- Thoroughly cook poultry, ground beef and eggs. Do not eat or drink raw egg foods or raw milk – also known as unpasteurized milk. Examples: Hollandaise sauce, cookie dough, frosting, tiramisu and homemade dressing, ice cream and mayonnaise
- Immediately use soap and water to wash anything that has been in contact with meat or meat. raw poultry.
- After touching excrement, reptiles, birds or chicks, wash your hands with soap.

A number of Ritz Crackers products are voluntarily recalled after an ingredient has been used. contaminated with Salmonella.
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