Will Fleissig, Chief Executive Officer, Waterfront Toronto, Leaving the Post


The CEO of Waterfront Toronto, who is leading a controversial plan to have Sidewalk Labs build a futuristic company on the shores of the lake, is stepping down.

Waterfront Toronto, a development agency The board of directors appointed by the federal, provincial and municipal governments announced Wednesday evening that earlier the same day, Will Fleissig had announced to the council that he was resigning from his position as CEO.

In an interview, Helen Burstyn, chair of the board of Waterfront Toronto, congratulated Fleissig said the organization will need a new leader to focus on "l & # 39; impeccable and ruthless execution of some very important projects ", such as the Toronto Sidewalk Partnership.

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"[Mr. Fleissig] part of these discussions, and it was a resignation from her," she said. "It was a recognition … that it was perhaps the moment for a change of direction towards implementation."

Two sources close to the negotiations said the departure was not a sign of discussion with Sidewalk Labs Smart City Technologies "on the waterfront were in trouble." Ms. Burstyn said that Toronto Waterfront continues to working on signing a development agreement with Sidewalk Labs This process "is going very well, and it seems like it's going to work," said Ms. Burstyn, "We're very optimistic."

Sidewalk Labs , owned by Google, Alphabet Inc., said late last month that she was expecting the plan she is developing with Waterfront Toronto to not be finalized until the end of April. next year consultation

Fleissig could not be immediately contacted for comment.Waterfront Toronto did not say why he was leaving.Old town planner and urban planner from San Francisco to Denver and Boulder, Colorado, he joined Waterfront Toronto in 2 015.

The President stated that Michael Nobrega, former President and Chief Executive Officer of the OMERS Mbad Pension Fund, will join Interim CEO.

Ms. Burstyn adds that she herself, Mr. Nobrega, and Development Director Meg Davis will take over as Waterfront Toronto looks for a new CEO.

John Tory, Mayor of Toronto, congratulated Mr. Fleissig for his contribution and emphasized the importance of ongoing complex project to protect the Port Lands from floods, as well as the Sidewalk Labs initiative.

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"Will Fleissig brought a lot of vision and excitement to Waterfront Toronto, and I thank him for his job and wish him good luck in the next chapter of his career, "Tory said in an email

Dan Doctoroff, CEO of Sidewalk Labs, also issued a statement congratulating Mr. Fleissig and welcoming M Nobrega

. The company was selected by a group of other bidders last year. Critics have raised concerns about how data collected by cameras sensors that Sidewalk Labs said it could install would be governed.

Some members of Toronto City Council raised concerns about the secrecy surrounding Waterfront Toronto's initial agreement with Sidewalk Labs, which has not been made public.

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