Canceled Arkham-style Power Rangers Concept Art, Project Nomad


In a series of tweets, the former Saban executive, Jason bischoff, shared some concept art for a canceled Power Rangers triple-A game. Codenamed Project Nomad, this Power Rangers game would have been an ambitious open-world cooperative that captured the energy, teamwork, and history of the franchise through a new lens.

Basically, as Bischoff said, Project Nomad would be “Arkham” Rangers. or Gotham Knights Rangers.

Saban created this concept art for Project Nomad in 2016. Sadly, and with so much going around the studio at the time, there was no bandwidth or budget to support it.

Bischoff says some of the early discussions with developers / publishers have been positive. However, and due to big changes in Saban’s business, these conversations around Project Nomad have faded.

Also note that unlike other canceled games, Project Nomad never really got out of its concept art phase. In other words, there is no prototype or “incomplete” game. Saban was just exploring the idea of ​​making a new Power Rangers triple-A game. Still, these concept arts look really cool


Power Rangers Concept ArtConcept art Power Rangers-2Power Rangers-3 Concept Art Power Rangers-4 Concept ArtPower Rangers-5 concept artConceptual Power Rangers-6

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John is the founder and editor-in-chief of DSOGaming. He is a fan of PC games and strongly supports the modding and indie communities. Before creating DSOGaming, John worked on many gaming sites. Although he is a diehard PC gamer, his gaming roots can be found on consoles. John loved – and still loves – 16-bit consoles and considers the SNES to be one of the best consoles. Still, the PC platform has conquered it on consoles. This was mainly due to 3DFX and its iconic dedicated 3D accelerator graphics card, Voodoo 2. John also wrote a next level thesis on “The Evolution of PC Graphics Cards”.
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