Canton crowd hues Tom Brady at Peyton Manning Hall of Fame speech



No good deed goes unnoticed.

Tom Brady has decided to attend the Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony on Sunday evening, in order to attend the dedication of Peyton Manning. When Peyton recognized Brady, boos could be heard from the crowd in Canton.

Brady turns around smiling. He said to the crowd, “What’s up with this? What have I done wrong? “

Brady’s name was mentioned as part of a setup for Manning’s joke about mandatory deadlines for induction speeches.

“Next year the acceptance speeches will probably be reduced to four minutes. And speaking of rivals, my good friend Tom Brady is here tonight. At the time he is enthroned. . . . “

That’s when the boos started. Manning paused to give this scene a few seconds to unfold.

“By the time Tom Brady is inducted in his first year of eligibility in 2035, he will only have time to post his acceptance speech on his Instagram account,” Manning said.

While some have complained about the delays for induction speeches, it’s a smart move. Peter King called it “the best thing to happen at induction night in years.” The crowd that lets them go for as long as they want argues that the Hall of Fame deserved the right to do so. The crowd, but everything is broadcast live on TV, argues that just because the dedication lasts all eternity, speeches don’t have to feel that way.

We had argued for years that, if the event were to be broadcast live on television, deadlines are of the essence. Otherwise, record the speeches, let them speak for as long as they want, and edit them for a prime-time special.

And here’s the gist, an observation that holds true for every speech ever given in any setting or context. At most, the audience will remember one thing the person says. The shorter the speech, the more likely it is that something will stand out.


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