Capcom Home Arcade is a plug-and-play arcade stick, but is emulation legitimate?


Update # 2: We hear that, although the version of the Final Burn Alpha Emulator that came with the Capcom Home Arcade Stick is properly licensed, some of the developers currently involved in the software have not been contacted. Initially, reports suggested that FBA was used without permission, but this does not seem to be the case.

Update: Confirming the details of our source, Capcom has announced a new plug-and-play arcade stick containing classic Capcom arcade games that connect directly to your TV on October 25, 2019. They call it the Home Arcade of Capcom. as you see in the trailer above.

The trailer reveals the stick and premium stick knobs that mimic the original arcade cabinet hardware that housed these classic games. Micro USB powered with HDMI output and built-in WiFi to download the scores to world rankings, the entire "card" for 2 players has the shape of the Capcom logo. It will include the following 16 "pre-installed" games:

1944: The master of loops
Alien ™ vs Predator ™
Armored Warriors ™
Capcom Sports Club ™
Captain Commando ™
Cyberbots ™: the madness of the integral metal
Darkstalkers ™: The Warriors of the Night
Eco Fighters ™
Final Fight ™
Ghouls & # 39; n Ghosts ™
Giga Wing ™
Street Fighter ™ II: Hyper-combat
Mega Man: The Battle of Power ™
Progear ™
Strider ™
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo ™


The official site shares some additional details about the hardware and emulation:

Includes a pair of competition class Sanwa JLF-TP-8YT chopsticks with 8-way GT-Y directional doors and OBSF buttons for optimum accuracy, response times and durability. The 16 pre-installed games come from the original Capcom CPS1 and CPS2 arcade ROMs with emulation provided by FB Alpha, providing an authentic and accurate arcade experience exclusively for the Capcom Home Arcade.

Break high scores in single player mode, team up with a friend in cooperative multiplayer mode or destroy it during a two-man battle. Then send your highscores via Capcom Home Arcade's built-in WiFi to a world highscore ranking to see how you compare to other players around the world.

Arcade fans will undoubtedly be delighted to see these games taken over and the treatment they deserve, although it seems that this treatment has a price. The arcade stick console will cost you a hefty sum £ 199.99 / € 229.99.

Of course, these cabinets would cost you much more (in money and living space), so if the emulation is perfect, it could still be a boon for the 21st century arcade games enthusiast . Rest assured that we will keep an eye on her in October.


Original story: Not so long ago, Capcom surprised everyone with his Beat & Em Up Bundle, a selection of famous fighting titles that parade and which included Final fight and Knights of the round. Now, it seems that the company follows this collection with a second compilation, this time focused on a wider range of titles.

Capcom has released a trailer that presents a series of arcade titles reflected in the controls of a coin cupboard. From the images, we can distinguish Darkstalkers, a one-on-one fighter in the same style as Street Fighter II (which is also included in this trailer). There is also Aliens vs. Predator and Progear, two titles that have never seen the day outside the arcades, and Giga Wing, a shooting game that was also focused on the Dreamcast.

Capcom announces an announcement tomorrow at 3 pm, English time.


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