Capcom uses ‘life-size’ Lady Dimitrescu to promote Resident Evil Village


Capcom really play at the massive height of Lady Dimitrescu (no pun intended) to promote Resident Evil Village in Hong Kong.

The towering 9 ′ 6 ″ vampire Lady Dimitrescu made headlines for Resident Evil Village, and now Capcom is really taking a look at the surprising popularity of the internet’s favorite giant woman.

According to a Facebook post from Capcom Asia, the publisher is starting to publicize the game by sending in “ life-size ” and large-scale cutouts of Village’s main antagonist (thanks, TheGamer).

If you’ve always wanted to feel how small you would feel next to the terrifying – yet oddly captivating – woman, you might just want to research one of these cutouts yourself (or wait and see if any similar cutouts come west).

Resident Evil Village

This isn’t the first time that character size has been used in marketing materials either – in a PlayStation Japan video, a super-imposed version of the villain stood next to hosts Hatsune Matsushima and Kayo Satoh, giving us another glimpse of its imposing. she is compared to humans of more reasonable size.

“I don’t think anybody [on the team] Could have predicted how wonderfully fans reacted to Lady Dimitrescu, ”Resident Evil Village art director Tomonori Takano recently revealed in an interview with IGN. “Personally, I was particularly struck by comments like, ‘I want to be chased by her.’”

Despite the initial confusion over fans’ thirst for the lady, it looks like Capcom has finally accepted Lady Dimitrescu as a really big draw for people in the game and is leaning heavily on her appeal.

Resident Evil Village releases May 7 on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X / S.

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