Capcom wants PC to be its primary platform, targeting 50% of PC sales by 2022/2023


Traditionally, Japanese developers have been wary of PC development, preferring to focus on consoles, with Capcom being a prime example of the phenomenon. For years, Capcom games just didn’t come out on PC, and then there was a period when the publisher gained a reputation for lousy PC ports, with classics like Resident Evil 4 and Devil May Cry 3 being practically ruined on computers. Thankfully, in recent years, Capcom has gotten a hold of itself on PC, with games like Monster Hunter: World and Devil May Cry V getting some very respectable PC versions.

Well, it looks like Capcom has much bigger ambitions for PC. According to a Nikkei interview with Capcom COO Haruhiro Tsujimoto, the company intends to make PC its primary platform in the future and hopes to achieve a 50-50 split between PC and consoles by 2022. or 2023 (thanks to Bloomberg reporter Takashi Mochizuki for translation / report).

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Can Capcom really achieve a 50/50 split between console PCs? It seems a bit of a stretch, especially in their home country of Japan where consoles and mobile devices are where most games are made. That said, they might be looking to Monster Hunter: World, their most successful title of all time, for inspiration. According to data released last year, World actually did better on computers outside of Japan, selling 5.7 million on PCs compared to around 5.5 million on PS4. The last game in the series, Monster Hunter Rise, will be released for PC in January of next year, having debuted on Nintendo Switch.

What do you think? Is focusing on the PC the right choice for Capcom? Could they actually get half of their sales on PC?


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