Capitol Rioter and a proud boy had instructions for making bombs


The FBI has found hundreds of files with detailed instructions on how to make guns, poisons and bombs in the home of a man arrested for participating in the Jan.6 uprising on Capitol Hill.

Dominic Pezzola – a member of the Proud Boys, a pro-Trump extremist group – was caught in photos and videos smashing in a window of the Capitol building with a police shield, allowing rioters to enter, the FBI discovered . In a memo claiming that Pezzola should be jailed ahead of his trial, the government also accuses him of passing a line of police in riot gear and being among the group of people who have pursued Constable Eugene Goodman in the stairs near the Senate chamber.

The memo details an interview with a witness, who told the FBI that Pezzola, known online as “Spaz,” was among a group of people who stormed the Capitol, who “all had guns or access to guns ”and said they“ planned to kill any ‘m-fer’ they could. ”

The witness also said that Pezzola and his group “would have killed Mike Pence if given the chance”.

After the insurgency, Pezzola first attempted to flee, the memo says, turning off his phone, shaving off his wild beard and leaving his home in the Rochester, New York area. After the FBI started knocking on the doors of his family members, he surrendered. Then the FBI raided his house.

The note states that the FBI found a USB drive in “a room which appeared to be used exclusively by the defendant” containing hundreds of files with these and similar titles: “Advanced Improvised Explosives”, “Explosive Dusts”, “Incendiaries” “,” The Box Tube MAC-11: The Ultimate DIY Machine Pistol “,” Ragnar’s Big Book of Crafted Weapons “and” The Advanced Anarchist’s Arsenal: Recipes for Incendiaries and Improvised Explosives. “

“Pezzola represents both a serious danger to the community and a serious risk of flight,” the memo said. “The circumstances of the offenses charged in this case overwhelmingly support the detention. The seriousness of the offenses with which the defendant is charged cannot be overstated. “

He was arrested in New York and is currently being held pending a hearing. A judge will decide whether to continue his detention as the case progresses through the courts. He is currently accused of destroying government property, obstructing official procedure (the vote of Congress to validate Joe Biden’s presidential victory) and entered Capitol Hill.

The memo and an affidavit submitted by an FBI agent follows Pezzola’s progress to and inside the Capitol through a series of videos and images posted on Speak and other social media platforms. The footage appears to show him wrestling with a police line and grabbing one of their shields before climbing to a window on the Capitol and making his way through, with others around him. Once inside, the records indicate, he and members of the group he was with attempted to pressure a policeman to tell them the whereabouts of the members of Congress. Videos and photos appear to show him with an earpiece, a device that other people who stormed the Capitol have also been photographed. The videos also show him smoking a cigar near the Senate Chamber, saying, “I knew we could get that bastard back. [if we] just enough tried.

In some of the social media posts attributed by the FBI to Pezzola, he identifies himself as a member of the Proud Boys, which had a strong presence during the January 6 riot, as well as a veteran of the Marines. A tattoo on his right arm signifies the military occupational specialty of Infantry Assault Marine, according to the Daily Beast.

His next hearing, on whether to keep him in detention, will take place on February 1.


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