Capitol rioters communicated using military hand signals, law enforcement official says


A Washington DC police officer witnessed rioters using military-style hand signals to communicate inside the Capitol building during the breach on January 6, a law enforcement official told CBS News.

Identifying individuals using small unit military tactics is among the “highest priorities” for a sedition task force led by the DCUS prosecutor’s office. The apparent use of “small unit tactics”, trained in military and law enforcement, immediately caught the attention of investigators. These tactics have been seen both outside and inside the Capitol building, CBS News has learned.

Federal investigators are examining footage that appeared on social media, as well as thousands of hours of video from closed-circuit cameras placed outside the Supreme Court, the Library of Congress, the Republican National Committee, the Committee National Democrat, Capitol campus and police cameras.

Acting U.S. District Attorney for the District of Columbia, Michael Sherwin, said Tuesday his office was examining possible charges of seditious conspiracy as part of his investigation into the riot.

Sherwin said the riot planning investigation includes a review of travel records, financial information and communications.

On Thursday, prosecutors said a retired Air Force officer who was arrested in Texas after being featured in a viral photo was wearing zippered plastic handcuffs because he had the intention to “take hostages”.

“He wants to take hostages. He wants to kidnap, detain, maybe try, maybe execute members of the United States government, “Assistant United States Attorney Jay Weimer said of retired Lt. Col. Larry Rendall Brock Jr., who also served as the Lt. subject of a new Yorker article.

Federal authorities have charged more than 40 people in connection with the Capitol riot. Among them were two off-duty police officers in Rocky Mount, Va., Jacob Fracker and Thomas Robertson, who each face one count of knowingly entering or staying in a building or restricted land without legal permission. and one count of violent entry and disorderly conduct. on the Capitol grounds.

Fracker is a corporal in the Virginia National Guard, and he is currently not on duty with the Virginia National Guard troops in Washington, DC The Virginia National Guard will be investigating.

Prosecutors wrote in a complaint that Robertson wrote in a social media post: “CNN and the left are just angry because we’ve actually attacked the government which is the problem and not some random small business. . The right IN ONE DAY took the f * **** US Capitol. Keep pushing us. ”

Fracker posted a since-deleted comment on Facebook that read, “Lol to anyone who might be concerned about the photo of me going around … Sorry, I hate freedom? … Not like I’ve done anything. it’s illegal … you do what you feel. need, ”according to the complaint.


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