Capitol Rioters “There to overthrow the government”: book


  • A Trump supporter who stormed Capitol Hill said the rioters “were just there to overthrow the government.”
  • Wall Street Journal reporter Michael Bender detailed his remarks in his new book, “Frankly, We Won This Election.”
  • “We weren’t there to steal things,” she said. “We weren’t there to do damage.”

A Trump supporter said the rioters were “just there to overthrow the government,” according to a new book by Wall Street Journal reporter Michael Bender.

Saundra Kiczenski, 56, from Michigan, told Bender she was “confident” that former President Donald Trump won the 2020 election, according to the book “Frankly, We Won This Election,” published earlier this week.

“If someone pointed a gun at my temple and said, ‘Did Donald Trump win, yes or no? And if you’re wrong, we’re going to shoot you in the head!’ I would say ‘yes’, “Kiczenski told Bender, according to an excerpt from the book published by the Washington Post. “I am convinced this thing is not made up.”

In the book, Bender detailed former President Donald Trump’s efforts to overturn the election after becoming the first incumbent in decades not to be reelected.

“We weren’t there to steal things,” said Kiczenski, who entered the Capitol on Jan.6, according to the excerpt from the book. “We weren’t there to wreak havoc. We were just there to overthrow the government.”

But when Trump took to Twitter to urge his supporters to return home, Kiczenski said she felt sad and confused, Bender wrote.

“We were supposed to fight until the end,” she said.

A pro-Trump crowd descended on Capitol Hill on January 6 to try to interrupt the vote of lawmakers to certify the victory of then-President-elect Joe Biden in the 2020 election. This follows a barrage of lies about the 2020 election of the former president for whom he was impeached by the House and subsequently acquitted in the Senate earlier this year. More than 500 people were charged in connection with the riot, which lasted about four hours, according to an Insider database.

Several bombshell books depict an inside look at the Trump administration’s response to the insurgency, including a new book, “I Alone Can Fix It: Donald J. Trump’s Catastrophic Final Year,” by Washington Post reporters Philip Rucker and Carol D. Leonnig.

According to the book, then Vice President Mike Pence, who oversaw the Congressional vote, refused to evacuate Capitol Hill despite the Secret Service urging him to leave.

Pence’s chief security officer Tim Giebels asked the vice president “twice” to evacuate the building, to which Pence said “I’m not leaving the Capitol,” according to the book.

“We have to go home tonight,” Pence told senior US officials on a call, according to the book. “We cannot let the world see that our process of confirming the next president may be delayed.”


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