Car Service Nuro Authorized for Driverless Deliveries in California


Illustration of the article titled Car Service Nuro Authorized for Driverless Deliveries in California

Photo: Nuro

Driverless delivery service Nuro was authorized for California first autonomous vehicle deployment license, which means that the company could soon launch a fleet of commercial vehicles in city streets around the city state.

Nuro first received permission at test fully driverless vehicles in California earlier this year, but the new license means the company will now become the leading autonomous vehicle company authorized to charge for advertising services. According to its website, Nuro specializes in moving local goods “quickly, safely and affordably” and is designed to handle “shopping of all kinds – from dinner to dry cleaning. “

In a Medium post, David Estrada, legal and policy director of Nuro, said the company “will soon be announcing our first deployment to California with an established partner.” While deliveries should start with the small fleet of autonomous cars Toyota Prius, Nuro also has R2 electric vehicles waiting in the wings.

Issued by the California DMV, the permit will initially only allow Nuro vehicles to circulate Santa Clara and San Mateo counties – meaning autonomous vehicles will be able to make deliveries to Nuro headquarters in Silicon Valley, but would not yet be allowed to travel near San Francisco or Oakland.

While vehicles will be permitted on city streets at speeds of up to 35 miles per hour, vehicles only be allowed to drive in “good weather,“Which would mean no pens alvodka deliveries on a rainy night.

The commercial vehicle license announcement comes as Nuro tries to consolidate its resources in the autonomous driving market: On the same day the authorization was announced, the company also said it had acquired Ike, a startup aiming to market autonomous trucks.


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