Card Data Protection Act After WhatsApp Policy Change


Federal Science and Technology Minister Chaudhry Fawad Hussain said the government was working to introduce strong data protection law to protect citizens’ privacy after WhatsApp said on Thursday it would now share users’ personal data, including phone numbers and locations with its parent company, Facebook.

“Instead of taking a one-sided approach, such policy changes should have been made after wider consultation,” Radio Pakistan quoted Fawad as saying on recent privacy changes.

Previously, the popular messaging app was touted as an encrypted platform, which meant that its two billion users worldwide enjoyed strong privacy.

Learn more: Three alternatives to WhatsApp that protect user privacy

However, starting February 8, the company will collect and share user data, including location data, IP addresses, phone model, operating system, battery level, signal strength, browser, mobile network, ISP, language, time zone and even IMEI.

In addition, WhatsApp will also collect information relating to all business interactions carried out using its platform.

“Some businesses may work with third-party service providers (which may include Facebook) to help them manage their communications with their customers,” the company said.

The new Whatsapp policy does not affect users located in 27 European Union thanks to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The regulation is designed to protect the privacy rights of EU citizens, but applies to all companies that process or control the personal information of EU residents, regardless of where those companies are located.


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