Cardi B apologizes for hosting 37 people at Thanksgiving dinner amid coronavirus pandemic


The apology came after Cardi appeared to revel in hosting a big dinner party for her family. It all started with a harmless post about enjoying the holidays in which she wrote: “Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Enjoy your family, friends and turkey thighs” amid hilarious LOL re-posts “WAP” sgiving videos.

Then, on Sunday, Cardi said she had “12 children and 25 adults on vacation.” Soon after, Cardi shared how blessed she felt for the last years of her life.

“In 2017, God revealed so many people around my circle that I thought I was. I didn’t understand why but in 2018 I found out that I was pregnant and had a very successful year, ”she said of her landmark year. “God reveal the people to me once again this year! Means 2021 will be a good year and people cannot come with me.”

But then came the backlash from her crowded tweet, after which Cardi explained that she made sure everyone in her house was tested beforehand, which many experts say may not have been. not a sufficient precautionary measure given the latency period of the disease and the sometimes unreliable tests. as well as the danger of asymptomatic spread.

Cardi also noted that she and everyone around her get tested “literally 4 times a week”, adding that “I’m in the middle of work and every time we come we have to be tested!”

When some reviewers point out that not everyone gets the opportunity to get tested as often as Cardi – including a who wrote, “Nobody tries too hard. You had 37 people above your house during a pandemic. Even if you don’t see yourself as a role model, many fans will see that Thanksgiving doesn’t take COVID seriously. It has a two week incubation period. ”- the rapper apparently responded with,“ People try too hard to be offended. I wonder how they survive the real world. ”

A spokesperson for Cardi B had not returned requests for further comment at press time.

Check out the tweets below.


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