Cards Kingsbury still tries to get read on Murray


TEMPE, Arizona – There are only a few days left before the Arizona Cardinals unveil their secret offense against the Detroit Lions on Sunday, freshman Kliff Kingsbury still does not understand how his star, the choice # 1 Kyler Murray, manages the moment.

Nobody can.

Murray is quiet by nature, and since he grew up in Lewisville, Texas, he has not yet opened his doors now that he's in the NFL and that he's playing for a coach he's known since the age of 15 years.

"You all interviewed, right?" Kingsbury asked. "What does he usually give you?"

Not much.

"It's the same thing," said Kingsbury. "It's what he is and who he is in. I guess he thought he was going to be here all his life, so that's just the next step to I've said it from the beginning: he's a rookie quarterback in the NFL start week 1. There will be ups and downs, we'll make mistakes, we'll fix them and try to continue to improve together. "

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Kingsbury can not even ask Murray to tell him which play he wants to play this week.

"It's like pulling teeth with him who was trying to [get him to] Tell me that "I do not like a play" because he wants them all to work and that is his attitude, said Kingsbury. But there are good conversations and after today, leaving the training ground, I will try "Hey, what do not you like?" # 39; and he will say, "I love everything" and we will go from the front. That's how it is.

"He's competitive and he wants everything to be good, but yes, these discussions are underway, and we want to make sure he's as comfortable as possible, because it's going to be a tough challenge." is difficult to intervene as rookie Day 1 and win a football match, and we understand that, so we will try to help as much as possible. "

Kingsbury said that he might have exaggerated Murray's silence, but not much. And he expects Murray to open up a bit, be more savvy about the plays and start talking more as the season progresses.

"What you see is what you get," said Kingsbury. "He's not going to be on top of everything, rainbow and sun with you, and I love it because it's like that he behaves. He's very confident , very competitive, I love where he is, I never see him bring me cupcakes on game day or something like that, I think he's going to be who he is and we'll continue our relationship . "

Murray's confidence in his ability to play each game stems from his knowledge of the Kingsbury system, which he discovered for the first time in eighth grade. From the day he arrived in Arizona, Murray understood part of the operation, execution, readings and terminology, said Kingsbury.

And that helped Murray adapt to NFL football faster than most rookie quarterbacks.

"It's not like he's coming here to learn Chinese, as are many of those first-year shifts," Kingsbury said. have to be inputs. "

All this familiarity will help Murray on Sunday, when he will lead the Cardinals' offense for the first time in a match. Kingsbury kept it secret during the pre-season – perhaps even a little to the extreme, he admitted Wednesday.

Kingsbury has not played all his base games during the pre-season, he said, but that will not matter.

"You only repeat in practice, and you make these situations as realistic as possible and you take advantage of your representatives," he said.

But Kingsbury firmly believes his version of the air raid will work in the NFL for one main reason.

"Because it's never been used before in the NFL," said Kingsbury. "I know Chip [Kelly] did a version of what he did, but yes, there is only one way to find out and that has never been used. Nobody really knows what we're going to do or what it's going to look like so we'll take it one game at a time. "


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