Casino mogul and GOP funder, Adelson, on cancer treatment


Sheldon Adelson, a billionaire casino mogul and one of the most prolific financiers of the Republican Party, is currently on treatment for cancer, his company announced on Friday.

The side effects of treatment of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma limited Adelson's ability to travel or maintain his normal office hours, but did not prevent him from performing his duties as President and General Manager of his company, Las Vegas Sands spokesman Ron Reese said in a statement.

Adelson would not have visited his company's offices in Las Vegas since Christmas day.

Adelson, 85, and his wife, 73-year-old Miriam, have spent a lot of time over the years stimulating candidates for the GOP and outside groups. They are two of President Trump's most generous supporters, having spent $ 20 million to support his bid for the 2016 election.

The Adelsons are closely linked in their political contributions, say Republican fundraisers aware of the couple's decisions. They describe Miriam – a doctor – as an equal in all political decisions.

Still, Sheldon Adelson's failing health raises questions about Miriam's growing influence over family donations, say those familiar with the couple's political gifts.

"Dr. Adelson is very involved and, in many ways, even more political than him, "said a GOP Group official who requested anonymity to discuss issues relating to private donors. "I do not know what the impact would be. She is very involved in everything related to politics. "

A spokesman for the couple did not respond to requests for comments on Friday.

The concern of Republican circles is not whether Miriam will continue to give in his absence, but to know how much and if his donations priorities will change, said another Republican representative who also spoke under cover anonymity to discuss issues concerning private donors.

"She seems very philosophically aligned with him from a Republican point of view. Would they keep the same level of priority to give? This is the main question, "said the manager.

Under Trump, the Adelsons have achieved some long-standing goals, including the relocation of the US Embassy to Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

Recently, the Department of Justice released a legal opinion that could further restrict gambling on the Internet – a change that Sheldon Adelson had been supporting for years.

The Adelsons were the largest Republican donors in 2018, spending more than $ 112 million on super-PACs, mostly groups working to help the GOP retain control of Congress.

At the end of last year, President Trump awarded the highest civilian honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, to Miriam Adelson. Critics criticized the decision, questioning his qualifications for the award and indicating whether his selection was related to his status as one of the richest supporters of the GOP.

The details of Adelson's deteriorating health have been reported for the first time by Nevada Independent and Associated Press.

During a hearing involving Las Vegas Sands in the Clark County Court earlier this week, a company attorney told the district judge that Mr. Adelson had not been seen in the premises of society since Christmas, reported the Nevada Independent.

The attorney, Jim Jimmerson, informed the judge of Adelson 's "terrible nature" and his state of health, according to records obtained by the Nevada Independent.


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