CASSER: Rangers swap Mats Zuccarello in Dallas


CASSER: Rangers swap Mats Zuccarello in Dallas

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New York Rangers' Pavel Buchnevich (# 89) and New York Rangers Mats Zuccarello (# 36) skate during warm-ups before the Colorado Avalanche match at the Pepsi Center on January 20, 2018 in Denver, Colorado. (Photo by Michael Martin / NHLI via Getty Images)

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Zucc and Buch (Photo by Michael Martin / NHLI via Getty Images)

We all knew it was going to happen and the time was finally here. The Rangers traded Mats Zuccarello to the Dallas Stars.

Before the Rangers opposed NJ, they scratched Zuccarello, Hayes and McQuaid. After the match, I learned that an agreement was imminent and I tweeted what I knew.

The contract is over and Mats Zuccarello is on his way to the Stars.

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