Cassidy calls Trump lawyers ‘disorganized’ after surprise vote to proceed to trial


His. Bill CassidySen. Bill CassidyGOP compares Trump’s impeachment process to Soviet GOP ‘show trial’ senator: Administration officials showing ‘they don’t care if they have to work with us’ show preview Sunday: budget resolution sets the stage for a $ 900 billion stimulus; Senate gears up for impeachment trial READ MORE (R-La.) Tuesday criticized the arguments put forward by the former President TrumpDonald TrumpDOJ Calls for Resignation of Most Trump-Appointed U.S. Lawyers: Report Trump’s Lawyer Withdraws Request Not to Hold Impeachment Trial on Saturday Kinzinger in Calls to GOP Senators to Convict Trump in Impeachment Trial MOREThe House of Commons legal team, saying House Democrats have argued more convincingly that the impeachment process is constitutional.

“I said I would be an impartial juror. Anyone who listened to these arguments – the directors of the House were focused. They were organized. They relied on both the precedents, the constitution and the legal scholars. They made a compelling reason. President Trump’s team was disorganized, “he said.

Cassidy voted Tuesday with all Democrats and five other Republicans to say it was constitutional to hold the trial, the first for a president already out of power.

Unlike the other five, Cassidy’s vote immediately grabbed attention because it supported an effort by the senator late last month. Rand PaulRandal (Rand) Howard PaulSenate seeks to avoid dragged Trump impeachment battle The Memo: Democrats, GOP face dangers of Trump trial Schumer and McConnell reach deal on Trump impeachment trial MORE (R-Ky.) To declare the lawsuit unconstitutional. The Senate, in a 55-45 vote, dropped Paul’s January effort.

Cassidy was among a number of GOP senators criticizing Trump’s legal team presentation on Tuesday, which was called “fuzzy” and difficult to follow.

“They did all they could except to talk about the issue at hand, and when they did bring it up, they kind of slipped on it, almost like they were embarrassed by their arguments. Now, I’m an impartial juror, and one side is doing a great job, and the other side is doing a terrible job on the matter at hand. As an impartial juror, I will be voting for the team that did the right job, ”Cassidy said.

When asked why he thought the Trump team did a bad job, Cassidy retaliated, “Did you listen to him?”

“It speaks for itself. It was disorganized, random, there was nothing – they talked about a lot of things, but they didn’t talk about the problem,” Cassidy said.

Cassidy noted that at one point he leaned towards Sen. Ted cruzRafael (Ted) Edward CruzNight Defense: Pentagon Says Extremist Groups “Very Aggressively Recruit” Troops | 3M Capitol Guard deployment estimated | No US combat deaths in Afghanistan for a year | VA Secretary Confirmed Senate Confirms Denis McDonough Will Lead VA Under Biden Impeachment ‘Prisoner’s Dilemma’ The GOP PLUS (R-Texas) to ask if Trump’s team was talking about whether the lawsuit was constitutional – the question they were supposed to debate and ultimately vote on.

“He says, ‘Not now,’” Cassidy said. “I think maybe I’m missing something.”

Cassidy stressed that Tuesday’s vote did not mean he would vote to condemn Trump on the impeachment article alone.

“We haven’t heard of this yet,” Cassidy said.

Cassidy’s vote did not take place without warning from Republicans.

“I haven’t spoken to him, but I can tell you a lot of people back home are calling me about this right now,” he told reporters.


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