Castle Crashers Remastered sets the tone for Switch Beat's Em Up action next month


Crashers Castle

Earlier this year, US developer The Behemoth unveiled Castle Crashers Remastered for the switch. This is the first time that the company will offer one of its games on a Nintendo platform since the GameCube generation.

Now, after "months of answers to questions, messages and tweets" asking when exactly the game would arrive on the latest Nintendo system, a blog post has confirmed that this release will be launched next month, September 17, for 14, US $ 99. Pricing for other regions has not been revealed.

The Switch eShop version of the remaster version includes HD Rumble, online reading and local 4-player Joy-Con support. This game is supported by a 60-frame-per-second game, texture sizes "five times larger" than the original game, the fast-paced and frenzied "Back Off Barbarian" mini-game and all downloadable content published previously, including characters, weapons and animals. orbs.

The Behemoth also mentioned that they did not plan a crossover game. You will have to stick with other Switch players. Here is a new trailer illustrating the Nintendo version of the game:

Are you going to download Castle Crashers Remastered on September 17th? Tell us below.


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