GOP lawmakers split on antitrust technical investigation of the House

[ad_1] "The antitrust is a highly technical inquiry, not something that lends itself to easy generalizations or general convictions," said Utah Senator Mike Lee in a statement. | J. Scott Applewhite / AP Photo Technology The Judiciary Committee of the House launched an investigation Monday to determine whether Silicon Valley technicians had engaged in anti-competitive … Read more

Mallinckrodt faces new charges of bribes the same day as a $ 15.4 million settlement with the federal government

[ad_1] Chafing-up under the charges of the controversial frost-hung federal bag-de-sac H.P. Acthar, Mallinckrodt seemed to be out of the wood with a settlement in the works. It turns out that it was out of the pan and in the fire. The Justice Ministry issued new charges on Wednesday against Mallinckrodt, who bought the maker … Read more

LAX loses power, leaving many travelers to the land

[ad_1] In Terminal 1, travelers told The Times via Twitter that the electricity was still off. The emergency lighting was on, but several screens, plugs and power supply at nearby stores did not have electricity. Without a computer, the Southwest customer service could not change the flight for anyone, and the wait time with Southwest … Read more

What to do if you miss your flight

[ad_1] Fly quite often and you may miss your flight one day. It may be your fault, or maybe it escapes you. In turn, much depends on how quickly you work through the seven stages of grief. Because the faster you go through shock, disbelief, denial, guilt, and anger, and feel accepted, the sooner you … Read more

Former executive sues Goldman Sachs after being fired for having been ..

[ad_1] A former Goldman Sachs executive sued the bank for discrimination on Wednesday, claiming he had been fired after reporting repeated cases of homophobia and discrimination. William Jarrad Littleton, a former vice president and bank employee for eight years, claims that he was fired after complaining of multiple discrimination cases that he described as gay, … Read more

Exclusive: The Pentagon is considering rare earth reserves in Africa to get away from China

[ad_1] CHICAGO / LONDON (Reuters) – The US Defense Department has had talks with Mkango Resources Ltd of Malawi and other rare earth miners around the world about their strategic mineral supplies. part of a plan to find diversified reserves outside of China, said a department official said Wednesday. PHOTO: Rare earth oxides, praseodymium and … Read more

AOC Mocks Rahm Emanuel for Joining Wall Street Cabinet

[ad_1] Former, mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel takes a political break to join a Wall Street investment bank. Emanuel, 59, a former White House senior adviser to US President Bill Clinton, then a member of Congress and then chief of staff to President Barack Obama, will work for Centerview Partners on corporate mergers, according to … Read more