The CFA's US Sales Manager has filed a whistleblower file

[ad_1] TO CLOSE US sales manager and Fiat Chrysler Automobiles' Ram truck brand filed a lawsuit against the company, which he said had taken revenge against him for cooperating with a US government investigation on FCA sales reports. Reid Bigland, a 22-year-old company veteran and his predecessors, who had at times been suggested as a … Read more

Walmart can afford to pay an hourly wage of $ 15: Rep. Ro Khanna

[ad_1] California Congressman Ro Khanna asks Walmart to put his workers ahead of corporate profits. Last fall, the Democratic legislator teamed up with Vermont Independent Senator Bernie Sanders to help draft the Stop Walmart Act. The bill provides for the compensation of employees to be at least $ 15 an hour. "Walmart can afford to … Read more

Here's the impressive amount of money that Google, Amazon and Facebook have thrown on DC lobbyists in 2018

[ad_1] 5:29 pm 06/05/2019 | Technology Chris White | Reporter of energy Google, Amazon and Facebook have released a record sum in Washington, DC, a year before congressional Democrats announce a massive antitrust investigation into the Silicon Valley giants. In 2018, they invested $ 48 million in lobbying, or 13% more than in 2017, according … Read more

FDA Approves Migraine Medication As First Treatment For Headaches

[ad_1] A million Americans with cluster headaches may finally get relief with the approval of the first drug specifically designed to treat the rare but devastating disease that primarily affects younger men. Patients often have to take medications that cause significant side effects such as swelling of the legs. But on Tuesday, the Food and … Read more

Mallinckrodt paid "bribes" to keep drug prices high, and blocked taxpayers with a bill, according to DOJ's lawsuit

[ad_1] In its complaint, the government called for a jury trial that would put the company's shares at the forefront of a 97,000-percent increase in drug prices. The price of Mallinckrodt's anti-inflammatory drug Acthar, best known for treating babies with debilitating seizures, has risen from $ 40 a bottle in 2000 to nearly $ 39,000 … Read more

Walmart Reorganizes Its Iconic Vest With A New Look For Employees

[ad_1] Walmart announced Wednesday that it had redesigned the iconic vest worn by the sellers. The chain of retail stores has put the brakes on their old style – "the iconic blue or green vest with a yellow spark Walmart" – after receiving feedback from its employees, the company said in a press release. The … Read more

Oil plunges into the bear market

[ad_1] US oil prices fell 3.4 percent to 51.68 dollars a barrel on Wednesday after a government report showed a sudden and unexpected upsurge in oil inventories. That leaves crude down 22% from its April 23rd high of $ 66.30. "There was nothing you could say that is bullish," said Ryan Fitzmaurice, energy strategist at … Read more

Fiat Chrysler executive filed lawsuit against the company

[ad_1] Photo: John Locher (AP) Following an investigation into a fraud case involving Fiat Chrysler Automobiles' sales figures, Automotive News reports that the company's chief sales officer in the United States, Reid Bigland, has filed a lawsuit against FCA, alleging that he had been a scapegoat and his salary had been reduced to SECOND. Bigland … Read more

Walmart and the Chernobyl School of Economics Bernie Sanders

[ad_1] Senator Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., Reminded us Wednesday that he had roughly the same economic meaning as President Trump on Twitter. The Socialist Senator attacked Walmart as a company that "pays a lot of employees to starvation wages …" This is another example of Sanders' penchant for the Chernobyl Economic Theory School: taking good ideas … Read more