Mary Loretto Maher, wife of Mayor Mike Duggan, files for divorce

[ad_1] TO CLOSE Mayor Duggan answers questions on the Wayne State "Make Your Date" survey Mandi Wright, Detroit Free Press Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan, whose personal life has been the subject of media reports in recent months, is now on the verge of divorce. Mary Loretto Maher, his wife for more than three decades, filed … Read more

The meatless burgers revolution is just beginning

[ad_1] "Its take-off rate is unprecedented," said Dewey Warner, research analyst at Euromonitor International, a provider of market research. Warner examines developments in the food sector. The demand for herbal meat substitutes is fueled by consumers seeking to improve their diet and reduce their impact on the environment. And there is clearly room for growth. … Read more

Dunkin 'Donuts wants to add vegan meat to the menu

[ad_1] Dunkin '(formerly Dunkin' Donuts) plans to add vegan meat to its menu. Donut chain CEO David Hoffman spoke to CNBC about recent updates such as adding espresso and integrating digital innovation, as well as future projects by the company. "We are also going to be looking at plant-based proteins," Hoffman said, after congratulating vegan … Read more

American Airlines starts a direct connection from Santa Rosa to Los Angeles

[ad_1] American Airlines must open its direct line between Charles M. Schulz Airport-Sonoma County and Los Angeles International Airport on Friday as part of the summer service expansion. Round trip flights with advance booking cost $ 160 before taxes and baggage fees. Passengers are entitled to free carry-on luggage. Checked baggage costs $ 30 for … Read more

Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan, Divorce Wife

[ad_1] DETROIT – Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan and his wife Mary Maher are going to divorce. According to a statement that the couple made public Friday, they decided that it was best for them, but that they would stay in close contact. Read the full statement below: "Life is a journey with a lot of … Read more

3 Reasons Why Bitcoin Will Reach New Record at $ 20,000

[ad_1] By NCC: The price of bitcoin soared 7.60% Friday to set a new high in 2019 at 5,796.93 USD. The upward trend pushed Bitcoin to an impressive 54.08% rise. At the same time, the total asset recovery was reduced to 82% and cryptocurrency reached a new record. Here are three factors that indicate that … Read more

Facebook redesign raises new questions about privacy

[ad_1] <p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Facebook (FBthis week & nbsp;announced a redesigned office& nbsp; website and smartphone app that puts its groups at the center of the social network experience. According to experts in privacy protection, the inclusion of … Read more

Travis Kalanick is not invited to ring during the IPO of Uber: report

[ad_1] It's Travis. I'm sure you can buy a silk handkerchief with this payment of $ 9 billion. Photo: Getty Images The founders are a venerated breed in Silicon Valley, but for Uber co-founder Travis Kalanick this goodwill has long since evaporated. Now, according to several reports, Kalanick will not be invited to the balcony … Read more

Sinclair buys 21 Disney regional sports networks

[ad_1] The transaction values ​​networks at $ 10.6 billion after adjusting for minority interests. The movement strengthens Sinclair (SBGI), which operates one of the largest networks of local television channels in the country. Sinclair has drawn criticism for pushing a conservative view of politics in his news and programming decisions. Sinclair had previously tried to … Read more