Mighty Mouse study: a 3 million-year-old "Mighty Mouse" fossil with red fur, determined by researchers

[ad_1] Researchers studying fossils of a missing mouse aged 3 million years ago proceeded to what they called a "major scientific breakthrough" to determine the fur's color. ;animal. The international team, led by researchers from the University of Manchester, discovered for the first time chemical traces of red pigment in a fossil. The researchers detected … Read more

X-rays reveal the colors of a fossil mouse 3 million years old

[ad_1] Enlarge / Synchrotron X-ray image in false color of fossil chemistry. Blue represents calcium in the bones, green is the zinc element, which has been shown to be important in the biochemistry of the red pigment, and red is a special type of organic sulfur that can not be reproduced by traditional methods. This … Read more

People of higher social class have an exaggerated belief that they are better than others

[ad_1] WASHINGTON – People who think of themselves as belonging to a higher social class may have a tendency to exaggerately believe that they are more adept than their equally competent lower class counterparts, and that excessive trust can often be misinterpreted as an increased skill in important situations, such as job interviews, according to … Read more

How is cooking on the International Space Station?

[ad_1] Tirumalai Kamala: No, allergy is not a sign of decreased immunity. It is a specific type of immune dysregulation. Autoimmunity, inflammatory disorders such as IBS and IBD, and even cancer, are examples of other types of immune dysregulation. The quality and target of immune responses, not their strength, is the heart of allergy. Let's … Read more

NASA finds water on the mysterious Ultima Thule

[ad_1] Since its first meeting with the mysterious Ultima Thule earlier this year, NASA has made several discoveries about the ancient space object. Researchers from the government space agency have made a surprising discovery about "the most distant world ever explored": there is both water and "organic molecules" on the surface. Research published in the … Read more