NASA's Twins Study: Spaceflight changes the human body, but only

[ad_1] Spaceflight changes gene expression One of the most intriguing results from the Twins Study of how gene expression (or epigenetics) has been changed over the duration of the mission. Led by Chris Mason of Weill Cornell Medicine, researchers conducted the whole genome sequencing to identify chemical events that occurred in the DNA and RNA. … Read more

A white scientist slams sexist trolls with his work on the black hole project for "sexist vendetta" against Katie Bouman

[ad_1] Katherine Bouman, a 29-year-old researcher who has worked on the essential algorithm that has captured the very first image of a black hole, has become the target of online sex trolls seeking to discredit her work. on the historical project. After the National Science Foundation revealed Wednesday the very first image captured from a … Read more

SpaceX will help NASA crush an asteroid

[ad_1] The NASA DART spacecraft will fly to the Didymos to hit its moon. NASA NASA is concerned enough about the potential of the asteroid apocalypse to create the DART mission, a project that sounds straight out of a sci-fi action movie. The Space Agency has now chosen SpaceX as the main player. NASA announced … Read more

Fans want "a legitimate place in history" for Katie Bouman, who has created an algorithm to assemble this black hole photo

[ad_1] First of all, we had a breathtaking image, the first to show a black hole, in a galaxy located about 55 million light years from Earth. Then came the stunned realization that the remarkable moment of creation of years would not have been possible without the work of a 29-year-old female scientist, who has … Read more

Scientists warn of vulnerability of Antarctic ice floe

[ad_1] Unusual winds could result in the destruction of the fourth largest ice floe in Antarctica, the researchers warned. In an article published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, a team led by Rajashree Tri Datta of the University of Maryland, revealed that the Larsen C ice sheet had experienced an unusual spike in late … Read more

Black holes are great. Why are their names so boring?

[ad_1] A black hole located 55 million light years from Earth has recently been the first to be captured in a close-up image. In another first, he received a much more interesting name than those who usually identify black holes. The new name, "Pōwehi", in native Hawaiian language, means "dark source embellished with eternal creation", … Read more

Possible 2nd planet spotted around Proxima Centauri

[ad_1] BERKELEY, California – The nearest exoplanet on Earth can have a neighbor. Astronomers have detected a candidate planet surrounding the star Proxima Centauri, a pale red dwarf located just 4.2 light-years from our solar system. Proxima is already known for hosting a world, a planet the size of the Earth, called Proxima b. So, … Read more