Tehran faces power outages due to massive crypto mining operations consuming up to 450 megawatts, with that power capable of powering a city of 100,000

[ad_1] Courtesy of @I_Leak_VN Everyone already knows that crypto miners are causing a shortage of the latest graphics cards on top of the pre-existing shortages, but now large-scale mining farms are causing blackouts. In Iran, authorities investigated the cause of the power outages and found that the root cause was that GPU mining farms were … Read more

Oops, my mashed potatoes are chewy. Here’s how to thicken them

[ad_1] © Provided by Southern Living Beth dreiling owls When it comes to the perfect mashed potatoes, the best defense is a good offense, so let’s go over the basics. Use the right kind of starchy potato that becomes soft and chewy when cooked, like rust or Yukon gold, instead of the waxy varieties, like … Read more

Pokémon Go Roselia Community Day Guide: Start Times & Best Moves

[ad_1] Pokémon Go is hosting a Roselia Community Day on February 7 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at your local time. Roselia’s evolution, Roserade, is the best grass-type Pokémon in the game for raiding, so it’s worth picking out a few while its spawn rate is increased. As with other Community Days, Roselia’s Shiny … Read more

Assassin’s Creed fans slammed Valhalla’s “extremely overpriced” microtransactions • Eurogamer.net

[ad_1] Assassin’s Creed fans have criticized developer Ubisoft for having as many armor sets in their premium store as they do in the “entire base game,” available “only to people who are willing to spend the cash on. extremely overpriced microtransactions “. In a reddit post blowing up Ubisoft, a Valhalla fan said the developer … Read more