HDMI Forum Closing Access to Public Specs Hurts Open Source GPU Drivers

[ad_1] It was recently explained why FreeSync support over HDMI fails open source drivers, at least not yet … This stems from the HDMI Forum’s decision to prevent public access to the HDMI specification, which in turn hurts open source graphics drivers. As the HDMI specification is no longer public but only for “HDMI adopters”, … Read more

Apple supplier Murata expects half a billion 5G phones in the new year

[ad_1] Photographer: Andrey Rudakov / Bloomberg Photographer: Andrey Rudakov / Bloomberg Murata Manufacturing Co., the world’s largest manufacturer of ceramic capacitors for Apple Inc. and other smartphone brands expect demand for fifth-generation wireless devices to exceed 500 million handsets in the next fiscal year, building on a rush for replacement Huawei Technologies Co. in the … Read more

CES 2021 Preview: Laptops, Chromebooks, and Gaming PCs

[ad_1] CES 2021 will not look anything like CES 2020. Angela Lang / CNET This story is part of THESE, where our editors will bring you the latest news and the hottest gadgets from fully virtual CES 2021. Many of us have radically changed the way we work in 2020, leaving the office behind and … Read more

Netflix cuts services on Wii U and 3DS

[ad_1] Nintendo has now removed the Netflix video app designed for Wii U and 3DS from both eShops. As of December 31, 2020, it can no longer be downloaded by new users. However, it is still possible for existing users to re-download the applications at this point. Service for Wii U and 3DS will be … Read more

Amazon reportedly developed sleep apnea tracker equipped with radar

[ad_1] Amazon is developing a new Alexa-powered device that can track and monitor signs of sleep apnea using radar, according to a new report from Business intern. The palm-sized device would be designed to sit on a bedside table and use millimeter-wave radar to detect your breathing, keeping an eye out for interruptions associated with … Read more

The first bizarre iPhone leak of the year: 2x foldable!

[ad_1] It was reported today that Apple is preparing not only one, but two new iPhone models with foldable elements. One is supposed to be similar to this Motorola RAZR or Samsung Z Flip – a clamshell design. The other is rumored to look less like a standard phone and more like a Microsoft Surface … Read more

Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 480 SoC will bring 5G to low-cost phones

[ad_1] Credit: Public domain Pixabay / CC0 While 5G-enabled phones have gained their place as major players in smartphone technology in 2020, access to this latest feature has been limited to high-end phones. But things are about to change, as Qualcomm today announced the development of the Snapdragon 480 5G mobile platform, which is expected … Read more