Fantastic update for macOS Big Sur with new design, widgets, native support for Apple Silicon, and more

[ad_1] Flexibits today announced the release of version 3.3 of its popular Fantastical calendar app for Mac, with key new features including full compatibility with macOS Big Sur, native Apple Silicon support and a new design. . Fantastic version 3.3 also supports macOS Big Sur’s revamped action center widgets with customizable themes and sizes, shows … Read more

Equator2 is the next step in Roli’s vision for expressive digital music

[ad_1] For the uninitiated, “MPE” refers to “MIDI Polyphonic Expression,” a specification jointly developed by a handful of companies such as Roli, Apple, MOOG and others that allow certain synths and instruments to send data. from more detailed notes to sound generators like, well, Ecuador 2. And perhaps most importantly, each note has its own … Read more

TechCrunch is now part of Verizon Media

[ad_1] TechCrunch is now part Verizon mediaa. We and our partners store and / or use your device information through cookies and similar technologies to display personal ads and content, measure ads and content, display your audience, and develop products. Your personal information may be used Information about your device and internet connection, including your … Read more

Alexa to start guessing what users want

[ad_1] Software engineers Alexa Anjishnu Kumar and Anand Rathi blogged: “With a new machine learning system, Alexa can infer that an initial question implies a subsequent request.” [ad_2] Source link

Xbox is asking people to stop vaping on their Xboxes: WATCH

[ad_1] The Xbox Series X, smoke-free vape. Photo: Xbox Microsoft’s latest Xbox console launched worldwide on Tuesday, and caused a stir almost immediately when videos showing the system “overheating” began circulating on Twitter. In a video, which has racked up over 2 million views, smoke seems to be escaping from the new Xbox Series X … Read more

Microsoft executive advises users to move away from SMS two-factor authentication

[ad_1] In context: Microsoft has been pushing for new security standards for years. Recently, the company has stepped up its efforts to remove passwords, and now Director of Identity Security Alex Weinert is urging the public to stay away from traditional two-factor authentication methods based on SMS. Before we go any further, let’s clarify one … Read more