TechCrunch is now part of Verizon Media

[ad_1] TechCrunch is now part of it Verizon mediaa. We and our partners store and / or use your device information using cookies and similar technologies to display personal ads and content, measure ads and content, display your audience, and develop products. Your personal information may be used Information about your device and internet connection, … Read more

MediaTek unveils 6nm processor designed only for Chromebooks

[ad_1] MediaTek has just completed its annual summit where the company reported on a wide range of topics ranging from global marketing strategies to R&D and everything in between. This is our first time attending the summit and for obvious reasons this year’s meeting was held virtually, but we couldn’t have been more excited to … Read more

Covid’s risk of superspreader is linked to restaurants, gyms and hotels – Bloomberg

[ad_1] Covid’s risk of superspreader is linked to restaurants, gyms and hotelsBloomberg Restaurants and gyms were spring broadcast sites – STATSTAT How to stop restaurants from driving COVID Covid-19 modeling study suggests which places may have the greatest risk of spread – but occupancy limits may helpCNN Research team creates computer model that can … Read more

Xbox Series X Scalpers are already selling consoles for $ 1,000

[ad_1] The Xbox Series X is finally out, and scalpers are already selling the new Microsoft console for over $ 1,000 on sites like Amazon and Ebay. Everyone who’s been watching the launch of a new console closely knows that scalping is a unfortunate side effect of the application. The Xbox Series X was a … Read more