Texas doctor claims new state abortion law illegal, says he already violated it

[ad_1] A Texas doctor claimed on Saturday that he had deliberately violated the state’s new abortion law in order to verify if it was legal. Alan Braid, an obstetrician-gynecologist in San Antonio, explained his actions in an essay published in the Washington Post. Braid writes that he understands “that there could be legal consequences” because … Read more

Battle over Biden’s huge childcare bill takes a new turn with virus

[ad_1] “I don’t see how we can really have people returning to work, especially women, in the numbers we need if we don’t provide child care,” said Representative Katherine Clark ( D-Mass.), A member of the House Democratic leadership, said in an interview. The latest employment figures, she said, “are a blinking red light that … Read more

Suburbs take center stage as US growth slows

[ad_1] In 1990, fewer than 10,000 people lived in Meridian, Idaho, a sleepy community surrounded by farmland. Today, with a population of 117,600, its main thoroughfare, Eagle Road, is so congested during rush hour that motorists might forget they’re in one of the country’s least populated states. The 10 fastest growing cities have grown by … Read more

American coronavirus: More people died in Alabama in 2020 than people born as Covid-19 deaths continue to rise in the United States

[ad_1] “This final year, 2020, will be the first year we know in the history of our state where we have actually had more deaths than births,” Scott Harris, Alabama health official, said Friday during ‘a press briefing. “Our state has literally shrunk,” he said. Preliminary data shows 64,714 people died in Alabama in 2020 … Read more

Fears of US Government Shutdown as Chicken Debt Ceiling Game Begins | American politics

[ad_1] Top Democrats are expected to challenge Republicans to block an interim financing measure, which would trigger the double-barreled US budget crisis defaulting on its mammoth debt and a federal government shutdown, say two sources close to it of the proposal. The plan envisioned by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer … Read more