Divided democrats withdraw from the ban on assault weapons

[ad_1] WASHINGTON – While Democrats are vigorously pushing for new gun control legislation, they made the calculated decision not to pursue their most ambitious goal: the ban on guns. 39; assault. The overwhelming majority of Democrats in the House – 211 out of seven, out of the 218 needed to vote – co-sponsor a bill … Read more

Melania against the Vapers – POLITICO

[ad_1] First Lady Melania Trump listens to President Donald Trump talking about a proposed ban on the most flavored electronic cigarettes, in the Oval Office on Wednesday. | Evan Vucci / AP Photo The first lady generally reluctant Melania Trump taken to Twitter on monday to express concern about a "growing epidemic" of teenage vape. … Read more

NYC Tribute Annual to 9/11 in Light Art Installation (LIVE) | USA TODAY & # 39; HUI

[ad_1] Two parallel beams of light will illuminate the sky to represent the fallen skyscrapers as part of the annual Tribute in Light public art installation. RELATED: 18th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks https://bit.ly/2ksFVXz Subscribe to the US TODAY HUI: http://bit.ly/1xa3XAhTo learn more about this topic and other US topics today: https://bit.ly/2IMPbAh USA TODAY … Read more

Megachurch pastor and mental health advocate commits suicide

[ad_1] Jarrid Wilson, pastor of a mega-church in southern California, commits suicide at the dawn of World Suicide Prevention Day, after years of fighting depression and wanting to help others people with the same disease. "At a time like this, there are simply no words," said Greg Laurie, senior pastor of the Harvest Christian Fellowship … Read more

A 9/11 widow pleads for the return of alliances including precious stones from her husband who died during the attack

[ad_1] She is now demanding the return of her ring and two diamond bands that disappeared last month after their departure at night in a rented house in Westhampton, New York. Iken-Murphy said that she had reported the disappearance of the rings to the Southampton police, who were investigating their theft. She is offering a … Read more

At the Pentagon, Trump remembers 9/11 in his own way

[ad_1] WASHINGTON – On the morning of the 18th anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, President Trump began his day of tweeting about his poll numbers and attack the media. At approximately 8:12 am, American Airlines Flight 11, the first of four hijacked planes by terrorists that day, left Boston, with Trump … Read more

Trump officials visit empty FAA facilities in California as a potential site to relocate homeless people: report

[ad_1] A California facility formerly used by the Federal Aviation Administration was visited by a team of Trump administration officials looking for sites to relocate the state's homeless population, the Washington Post reported on Wednesday. The post, citing three government officials who spoke under the guise of anonymity, said the facility being visited was located … Read more