A Texas woman who announced her pregnancy before being shot by a police officer was not with her child, according to police

[ad_1] A Texan woman who shouted "I'm pregnant" before being shot by a police officer Monday night – in the middle of a fight around his stun gun – was not really pregnant, the Baytown Police Department said Tuesday. . Lt. Steve Dorris of Baytown told Fox News that the department had confirmed that the … Read more

San Francisco prohibits facial recognition technology

[ad_1] SAN FRANCISCO – On Tuesday, the San Francisco supervisory board passed the first ban imposed by a major city to use facial recognition technology by the police and all other municipal agencies. The vote was 8 to 1 in favor, with two members supporting the bill absent. There will be a second mandatory vote … Read more

Karl Rove says John Durham could investigate Comey, McCabe and the role played by Strzok in investigating the origins of Russia

[ad_1] Karl Rove, political contributor to Fox News, said Tuesday that US Attorney John Durham could expand the investigation into the origin of the Russian investigation well beyond the powers of the inspector Department of Justice Michael Horowitz. "Durham allows you to contact people who have left government as a [former FBI Director James] Comey, … Read more

Donald Trump Jr. Signs an Agreement for an Interview with the Intelligence Committee

[ad_1] WASHINGTON – Donald Trump Jr. and the Republican-controlled Senate Intelligence Committee reached an agreement Tuesday allowing the president's eldest son to sit in a private meeting with senators over the next few weeks. intra-party impasse. The agreement was reached after an aggressive push by Trump's young allies, who accused intelligence commission chairman Richard M. … Read more

Police motorcyclists injured in Trump accident in Louisiana

[ad_1] Several motorcycle police officers were injured while participating in President Trump's motorcade Tuesday in Louisiana. The cause of the accident was not immediately reported, but there were no serious injuries, according to the White House. According to a first group report, four officers were reportedly injured, but a statement by White House press secretary … Read more