Wyden asks for more information on trumped source deductions by Trump

[ad_1] Zach Gibson / Getty Images Senator Ron Wyden asks for more information on the Trump administration's decision to reject the House Democrats' request to file the president's tax returns. In a letter released Tuesday, Wyden (D-Ore.) Asked Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin to return any communication that his agency allegedly had with White House or … Read more

And if Joe Biden runs away with this thing?

[ad_1] But there is another under-radar story that is emerging: Joe Biden is very far ahead of the rest of the giant field. According to the national ballot average of Real Clear Politics, Biden now has a 23.5 points lead over Bernie Sanders (and the rest of the group). It's been a huge leap for … Read more

The attack of "privileges" will not hurt the gay Pete Buttigieg

[ad_1] The entire Democratic Party is driven by race, sex, sexuality and social justice. Everyone inside and outside is assessed on an ever-changing grievance scale called "intersectionality". It is therefore quite natural that his first big presidential candidate, openly homosexual, be accused of not having suffered enough in life to justify the attention he receives. … Read more

Elizabeth Warren: Make campaigns ironic again

[ad_1] Senator Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., May be a former law professor at Harvard, but her campaign strategy is totally absurd. Consider Warren's tweet thread on Tuesday, in which Democracy 2020's presidential candidate explained his rejection of Fox News's invitation to attend an event at City Hall. Fox News is a for-profit hate racket that offers … Read more