CD Projekt Red confirms the arrival of new games for Witcher


The witcher 4

CD Projekt Red has at least hinted at this before, but the developer has announced, "Hey, we'll definitely be creating more Witcher games." As Polygon writes, the company's latest financial report confirms that it is moving to a "double franchise" model. This means it will work on both Cyberpunk and The Witcher.

This news is not really a surprise. CD Projekt Red has grown considerably since the release of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt in 2015. It has opened new studios and recruited hundreds of additional employees at the same time.

When it comes to knowing when we'll hear about the next game in The Witcher, we do not know. The Cyberpunk 2077 is expected to be released in April 2020. Of course, next-generation consoles should arrive before 2021. It will probably take at least two years before we hear from Witcher. CD Projekt Red, we are more than willing to wait.

What would you like to see from a brand new Witcher title? Pack your twins and browse through the comments section below.


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