CD Projekt Red’s ‘Cyberpunk 2077’ woes continue with hack and ransom demand


With the failed launch of Cyberpunk 2077, CD Projekt Red has had a tough few months. Now the company tweeted that it has been hacked and has to pay a ransom or a games code like Cyberpunk 2077 and an “unpublished version of Witcher 3“will be revealed. The attackers also emptied or threatened to empty” documents relating to accounting, administration, law, human resources, investor relations, etc. “

The company said that “an unidentified actor has gained unauthorized access to our internal network, collected certain data belonging to the CD Projekt capital group and left a ransom note the contents of which we will release to the public.”

“We will not give in to demands and will not negotiate with the actor, being aware that this could eventually lead to the release of the compromised data,” CD Projekt Red wrote in response. He added that although some devices on his network have been encrypted, “our backups remain intact,” and he has secured his IT infrastructure and started restoring data.

The hack could be alarming for another reason, as parent CD Projekt owns the GoG gaming platform which contains the private information of many subscribers. However, he said that “at this time, we can confirm that – to our best knowledge – the compromised systems did not contain any personal data of our players or users of our services.”

CD Projekt Red has been hacked before back in 2017, and said at the time in a similar post that the thieves had stolen “documents relating to the early designs of the upcoming game, Cyberpunk 2077. While nothing much has come of this incident, the latest hack looks more serious.

Even without the attack, the past six months have not been good for CD Projekt Red. After Cyberpunk 2077 Launched with many bugs, Sony eventually pulled the game out of its console stores, and Microsoft offered refunds to anyone who wanted one. Even with all that, however, the game had sold 13 million copies by the end of 2020.


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