CDC will require masks on all forms of public transport


American travelers and commuters will be required to wear a mask on almost all modes of public transportation and inside transportation hubs, according to a late emergency order Friday from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The mandate, which goes into effect Tuesday and applies to most people over the age of two, effectively reverses the policy of the Trump administration. It follows an executive order issued by President Joe Biden on Jan.21 that required passengers to wear face masks while traveling between states.

Under the new CDC policy, all travelers must wear face masks on planes, ships, trains, subways, buses, taxis and carpools and inside airports, bus terminals or ferry, train and metro stations and seaports, depending on the order.

“Requiring masks on our transportation systems will protect Americans and ensure that we can travel safely again even during this pandemic,” according to the 11-page order signed by Marty Cetron, director of the Global Migration Division and CDC quarantine. “Raising universal masking by 15% could avoid the need for foreclosure and reduce associated losses by up to $ 1 trillion, or about 5% of gross domestic product.”

A push by the CDC to impose masks in transit has been blocked under President Donald Trump. Instead, the agency issued strong recommendations for the use of the mask. Mr. Trump also rejected efforts by Congress to enforce the use of the mask.


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The ordinance exempts people with disabilities who cannot wear masks and private cars for personal use. People will also be able to remove their masks to eat or drink or to identify themselves. Bus drivers and other operators will be tasked with enforcing the new ordinance, which requires anyone disobeying to be kicked out of the vehicle.

The order comes as 25.9 million people in the United States have tested positive for the virus since the start of the pandemic, which is more than a quarter of the global total.

The CDC also extended a moratorium on tenant evictions on Friday for defaulting on rent or housing. The order, which was slated to expire Jan.31, will run until March 31.

Coverage is limited to renters earning no more than $ 99,000 per year or couples earning no more than $ 198,000.

Write to Douglas Belkin at [email protected]

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