Cersei lies on his pregnancy


Photo: Helen Sloan (HBO)

If a woman on Game of thrones said she was pregnant, no one would dispute it. But Cersei Lannister is not any woman. Only a fool would accept everything she said, a lesson that her brother Tyrion forgot when she promised to help fight the dead. This is not the stupidest mistake he ever made, because a Cersei waiting is the only Cersei he believes. It's the same for other men in his life. That's why she's probably lying about all this.

Jaime was ready to travel to Daenerys after the booty train attack, then Bronn brought him to meet Tyrion, which Cersei already knew. She let it go, because, as she had announced to her brother, a brief armistice with the queen of the dragon "could serve our immediate interests". Daenerys had "the numbers" and to beat her, one would have to "be smart and fight as her father would. "Mission accomplished until now." It is also at this moment that Cersei told Jaime that she was pregnant with their child and that she was going to tell the world that it was not her place. Jaime immediately resumed her plans after that, but as they hugged her, she also warned him: "Never betray me again." Even though he clearly had not In fact, she clearly explained who was responsible and what she expected from him.

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The next person to learn that Cersei was pregnant was Tyrion, when they met after the failure of the Dragonpit summit. Her refusal to accept a drink, the way she spoke to ensure the future of their family and the subtle taking of her belly made her realize that she was pregnant without it. say it. That's why he thought she would help fight the dead, but this deception was part of his true plan. Euron Greyjoy had already made a lot of noise when he left the dragon station and announced that he would be going home, but he was already going to Essos to recover the Golden Company. Cersei never accepted an armistice, but for her lie to work, she needed Tyrion to believe her, which he did completely. As he told Sansa in Winterfell, "She has something to live for now". Let her know that she has a baby on the way, the only way to do it. As he once said about his sister, she loves her children, who are "her only redeeming quality".

The only thing that could get her two brothers to do exactly what she wanted was a pregnancy. This is how she will now prevent the indomitable Euron Greyjoy from betraying her. She hates him clearly, but she desperately needs him and the iron fleet to preserve her reign. The surest way to keep him online and prevent him from leaving (as he told his niece Yara) could tell him that she is carrying their son, the future king. This guarantees his dedication – as well as plenty of time to win the last war and kill Euron.

Photo: Helen Sloan (HBO)

Of course, she may be pregnant with Jaime's child, and her only word to say to Euron was hers. As Jaime told Tyrion: "She always knew how to use the truth to tell lies", and the woman who blew up the month of September from Baelor would not be before using her unborn child to trick the others and win the war. Her pregnancy could be a happy coincidence from which she takes full advantage, but even beyond her sneaky character, there is another reason to doubt her.

After "The Long Night", the series is clearly not as invested in the prophecy as we thought, but the one that Cersei heard as a child was important enough to be the only flashback the series ever made. (The visions of Bran are different.) Maggy the frog, whose fortune has been revealed so far, told Cersei that she would have had three children. "Gold will be their crown," she warned, "the gold of their shroud," and that's what happened. Maggy also predicted that a "younger and more beautiful" queen would overthrow Cersei, which has long fueled Cersei's paranoia. That's why she considered Margaery such a threat. If a prophecy about this series, a Cersei takes herself seriously, always means something, this is it, and Maggy leaves no room for another child.

Screen capture: HBO

But the most obvious evidence comes from the person who knows Cersei better than anyone else, the most convinced man of what she is telling the truth and who is currently going to King's Landing to save her or die with her, Jaime. She is certainly pregnant, but when he told Tyrion that he had also said something about how blind he was about his sister, a woman sent Bronn to kill him.

"I would not be too hard on yourself," says Jaime, trying to encourage him, Tyrion after learning that he was overwhelmed by Cersei. "She misled me more than anyone."


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