Chaos reigned at the government ball Sunday evening as participants fled to the storm: Gothamist


govfri-91.jpg "src =" "width =" 640 "height =" 427 "/> <br /> <i>    Things were already muddy Saturday. (Scott Lynch / Gothamist)</i></div>
<p> </span></p>
<p>This year's governors' ball was blessed with good weather on Friday and Saturday (although the fields were soggy with recent rainstorms), but the sky was completely open on Sunday and delivered a storm of torrential rain, lightning and thunder. The big weather event occurred after an early delay due to weather problems around 11:30 am <a href=The organizers of the Gov Ball are announced that the queue had been modified and that the doors would open at 6:30 am (approximately six hours later than planned). Around 21:30 they announced an evacuation of the site and just before 23:30. the organizers sent the following statement:

After close consultation with NYC officials and law enforcement, it was deemed necessary to cancel the event for the safety of our festival goers, artists and team members . We are as devastated as our fans by this decision, but nothing is more important than the safety of all participants. Although the festival is always rainy or rainy, we can not continue in a time as violent as the storm and the lightning of tonight. The evacuation procedures were followed and at that time, the island was cleared of all guests.

They also announced details on refunds: "All customers who purchased a Sunday ticket and a Sunday ticket through the Gov Ball's ticketing page will receive a refund directly to the account used for the purchase. All customers who have purchased a 3-day and 3-day pass A daily pass directly on the Gov Ball ticketing page will receive a partial / pro-rata refund directly to the account used for the purchase. we expect all refunds to be processed within 21 days. "

After the cancellation, participants uploaded photos and videos from the concert site while they were trying to get home. A video on Instagram shows spectators vandalizing an art installation while security guards use force to intervene. The video below (you have to slide your finger on the second video) appears to show a security guard punching a participant, while other spectators are dragged to the ground. The uploader wrote in part: "Before the video, teenagers and adults had decided to disassemble the structure … the rent-a-cops had decided to BEAT defenseless individuals." As you can see, some police officers have decided to brutalize PUNCH KIDS and get assaulted … adults who do nothing to justify the action ".

We contacted the organizers of the Gov Ball and were told that they had "shared this video with our team for an evaluation". We will update when we have more information about it.

Below, a storm on Twitter (and Instagram) after the announcement of the cancellation:

The above uploading accurately portrayed the chaotic scene that followed the cancellation, stating, "So, Governor Ball ended the principle of" Jurassic Park. "Except without the dinosaurs and with a huge crowd of people destroying all gates and fences and walking on the bridge in Manhattan because the organizers – who were cautious enough to cancel the first half of the day because of the possibility of extreme weather – did not have a solid plan for an evacuation emergency in case these extreme weather conditions occur. "

While the masses, we are all "Oh shit we are going to die", members of the VIP section thought everything was handled wonderfully! (This is also what will happen five minutes before a meteor hits the Earth.):

The Strokes did not announce any make-up show, but issued a statement stating, "We're happy everyone was safe, but we're just as disappointed that you can not play tonight." But at least one young man managed the cancellation in depth, enjoying what Mother Nature had written and declaring: "… the apocalypse was lit."


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