Charisma Carpenter and Buffy take a stand against designer Joss Whedon


Wednesday, Buffy the vampire slayer Star Charisma Carpenter accused creator Joss Whedon of recurring abusive behavior on the set of the series, which aired on The WB and UPN from 1997 to 2003. In one long twitter message, the actress recounted encounters with Whedon on Buffy and its consequences, angel, that she said that “traumatize me to this day.”

Hours after Carpenter posted her account on Twitter, co-stars Sarah Michelle Gellar, Amber Benson and Michelle Trachtenberg expressed their solidarity.

“Joss Whedon abused his power on numerous occasions while working together on sets of Buffy the vampire slayer and angelCarpenter wrote. “Although he found his misconduct amusing, it only intensified my performance anxiety, discouraged me and distanced me from my peers. The disturbing incidents triggered a chronic physical condition from which I still suffer. It is with a heavy, pounding heart that I say that I have faced isolation and, at times, destructive ways.

Carpenter goes on to describe passive-aggressive comments about her weight at a time when she was pregnant, and an incident in which Whedon asked her if she was going to “keep him” in reference to her baby.

Whedon “manipulated my femininity and my faith in a manipulative way against me. He attacked my character, made fun of my religious beliefs, accused me of sabotaging the show, and then unceremoniously fired me the following season once I gave birth, ”she wrote.

Last summer, WarnerMedia launched an investigation into Whedon after actor Ray Fisher publicly accused the writer-director of misconduct on the set of Justice Leagueis relaunched. Entangled in news that HBO Max would release director’s cut of Justice LeagueFisher’s allegations were ultimately investigated by WarnerMedia, and in December the company announced that it had concluded the investigation “and corrective action had been taken.” A month before the company finished the investigation, Whedon quit his new HBO series Nevers, with writer Philippa Goslett reprising the show.

In her Twitter post, Carpenter cited Fisher’s accusations as inspiration for her to tell her story, which had been an open secret since at least 2009, despite weak industry support for the actress. “With the tears falling, I feel an overwhelming sense of responsibility to Ray and the others for being deprived of my experience with Joss and the pain it caused me,” Carpenter said. “It is quite evident that Joss persisted in his harmful actions, continuing to create wreckage in his wake. My hope now, in finally bringing up those experiences, is to create a space for the healing of others who I know have suffered similar abuse of power in series.

Benson, who played Tara Maclay on Buffy, followed Carpenter’s tweet with his own show of support.

On Instagram, Gellar, though less direct with his conviction, asked not to be “forever associated with the name of Joss Whedon” and showed his support for the survivors. Trachtenberg took to the Instagram post’s comments to congratulate Gellar for saying, “It must. To be known. Like a teenager. With his inappropriate behavior … ”she wrote.


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