Chase Young forces Joe Burrow to fumble over the goal line


The battle between the top two picks in the 2020 NFL Draft produced a massive clash in Sunday’s game between the Cincinnati Bengals and the Washington football team.

At fourth base from Washington’s 3-yard line, Bengals quarterback Joe Burrow, the top pick in this year’s draft, rushed to the end zone. Washington defensive end Chase Young, the second overall pick, was there to stop him.

Advantage: young.

Young didn’t just stop Burrow. He missed the Bengals rookie and forced a fumble that was just as chaotic as the collision between Young and Burrow. Initially, the ball was ruled to have been advanced by Washington, was dropped again and recovered in the end zone for safety. However, due to a penalty from the Bengals, Washington accepted the penalty, which canceled the penalty and provisionally gave Cincinnati a chance to replay the down and throw a basket.

Replay officials concluded that Washington never had possession of the ball and the play was ultimately considered a touchdown.

But no matter what happened after the coup, the battle between top draft picks and former Ohio State teammates lived up to the bill.

Burrow and Young were in Ohio state at the same time before Burrow transferred to LSU. Heading into Sunday’s game, Burrow had nothing but praise for the Washington edge runner.

“One of a kind,” Burrow said of Young. “He’s a rare talent that will continue to improve with every game and every year.” Sunday’s goal-line collision showed why.


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