Chelsea Manning was released from prison


Chelsea Manning was released Thursday after spending 62 days in a Virginia detention center for refusing to comply with a grand jury summons. Manning was released after the expiration of the grand jury mandate.

A message posted on Manning's Twitter account, led by her supporters while she was in prison, indicates that federal prosecutors had summoned her to another grand jury on May 16.

Her attorneys told The Associated Press that she would refuse to answer questions again and risk being incarcerated again.

Manning, a former army intelligence officer, was sent to the Alexandria facility in Virginia on March 8. Manning stated that she objected to the secrecy of the grand jury process and that she had already revealed everything she knew at her court martial.

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Office of the sheriff of Alexandria

Manning, who is transgendered, caught the eye after being convicted in 2013 for disclosing classified government and military documents to WikiLeaks. She had worked as an intelligence analyst in Iraq and was arrested in 2010. At the time of her arrest, she was calling Bradley.

She served a 35-year prison sentence for seven years in jail for revealing a wealth of documents on the anti-secret website before President Obama commuted her sentence in 2017 – 39, one of his last acts as president. In May of the same year, she was released from a Kansas military prison.

Earlier this week, Manning's lawyers filed court documents claiming that she should not be convicted of civil contempt because she proved she was angry at her. his principles and would not testify, no matter how long he was imprisoned.

Federal law allows only a recalcitrant witness to be imprisoned for contempt of court if there is a chance that the incarceration will compel the witness to testify. If a judge were to determine that Manning's incarceration was punitive rather than coercive, Manning would not be imprisoned.

"At this point, given the sacrifices she has already made, her strong tenets, her strong and growing support community, and the shame accompanying her surrender, it is inconceivable that Chelsea Manning ever changes her mind to about his refusal to cooperate with the grand jury, "wrote his lawyer.

Manning filed an eight-page statement with the court Monday, highlighting his resolution. She wrote that "cooperation with this grand jury is simply not an option, it would mean giving up all my principles, achievements, sacrifices and erasing decades of my reputation – an obvious impossibility," she said. she writes.

She also reported disproportionately suffering in prison because of physical problems related to inadequate follow-up care following a sexual conversion surgery.


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