Chet Hanks predicts a “white boys summer” to come, which … No


But why?
Photo credit: Axelle / Bauer-Griffin / FilmMagic

It is with a huge sigh – a sigh of exhaustion and regret – that I report: Chet Hanks is speaking again, and as you might expect, the content of this speech is decidedly not great. Unfortunately, the adult rapper son of Tom Hanks took the initiative to declare the summer of 2021 a “summer of the white boys”. Hm. It’s going to be a no on my part!

“Chet Haze,” as he called himself, made the proclamation on Instagram yesterday. “I just have a feeling, man, this summer – it’s about to be a white boy’s summer,” he said. Initially, Hanks did not specify what a “white boys’ summer” would mean. “Take it however you want,” he continued. “I’m not talking about Trump, you know, NASCAR-type white. I’m talking about, you know, me, Jon B., the Jack Harlow type white boy summer. Let me know if you can vibrate with this. “

Me personally? I don’t want to vibrate with it. Hanks is not Megan Thee Stallion; it has no power to set the seasonal tone. On social media, expectations for summer 2021 are both high and excited, thanks to promises of increased vaccine eligibility and warmer temperatures. Hot Girl Summer accurately describes the target vibe, while Hanks’ proposal carries a clearly menacing aura. “The summer of the white boys”? At the suggestion of a man whose famous controversies include repeated use and then defending his use of the N word? Amid a growing trend of white “male supremacy” terrorism? I do not think so!

But after seeing the splash of his proposal online, Hanks recorded After videos. Briefly echoing the inexplicable Jamaican accent he made his Golden Globes debut in 2020, he explained his “rules and regulations” for “white boys summer.” They are: “No plaid shirts”, because the brothers “can’t look like a picnic table here”; “No Sperry top-siders”; “Do not call girls’ smoking rooms” “; and “anything salmon colored … burn that shit.” Actually, that’s not terrible advice, but in an odd twist, it looks like Hanks chose to use his viral moment to promote his latest business, (See this last video.) So I guess … Hot girl summer 2 he is!


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