‘Chicago Fire’ Recap: Season 9, Episode 3 – Casey / Brett


Warning: The following contains spoilers for Wednesday Chicago fire. Proceed at your own risk!

Chicago fireWednesday’s comeback was tough for various factions of shippers, with not one but two pairs taking a hit.

First off, Casey and Brett had a well-deserved talk about the abrupt end of their makeup session. “My feelings for you, they are real, Sylvie, regardless of Gabby,” reassured the blonde Casey, who quickly retorted, “There is no ‘apart from Gabby’. That’s the point.”

Then, to clarify, Brett added, “What happened between us cannot happen again. Already. ”And while she didn’t want to lose Casey’s friendship, Brett asked her to give her“ some space now, ”because she“ can’t go back to the way things were. Before pursing his lips.

Later, Casey confessed to Severide that he hadn’t had any contact or really thought about his ex-wife in months. “Sylvie was the only one on my mind,” he admitted. But she wants space, and the strength of his feelings is exactly why he has to back off. “Maybe it’s for the best,” concluded Casey.

Elsewhere, Severide found that people were chatting about Stella’s rapid rise on the CFD scale and how sleeping with a firefighter connected probably didn’t hurt her. So, like his boyfriend, Severide decided to give Stella his space instead of helping her study for the lieutenant exam as he had promised. When Severide offered his girlfriend a vague apology rather than explaining the situation, Stella noticed her “bizarre” behavior to Brett.

Below, showrunner Derek Haas introduces the new characters who will thwart Brett and Casey’s potential romance, and reveals how worried Severide and Stella fans should be.

TVLINE | Casey says he’s gonna give her Brett space – or at least that’s what he told Severide. How faithful will he be to this? Is he really going to follow through on this, or will he maybe fight for Brett?
There will be other hurdles thrown at this relationship when it comes to the arrival of new characters in the next episode. There’s a look on Casey’s face that you’ll know when you see it in episode 4. I thought Jesse Spencer did a really good job conveying a lot of things with just a look … from them.

TVLINE | Are these new characters new love interests?
These are, I would say, potential obstacles to a Brett / Casey relationship.

TVLINE | Brett is really adamant that Gabby will always be a problem, but Casey says he actually hasn’t really thought about her lately. So, is this something they can reconcile?
Well i dont know. Honestly, I can tell you the genesis of this, and where I felt like it was a very honest conversation, is that on our show we try our best as writers to recognize and honor the history of the series. That’s why we’ll be talking about characters who haven’t existed for seven seasons, like when Severide went to get the ambulance to honor Shay’s memory. And with Gabby, the audience watched six years of that relationship between Casey and Gabby, and then she came back last season – then, actually – and they slept together again. So, it’s not something you can just ignore, and Brett knew Gabby very well. So when Casey says, “Well, it doesn’t matter Gabby,” and Brett says, “There’s no such thing as ‘apart from Gabby’, that, to me, felt really honest and how it would be in real life. life.

TVLINE | But the fact that he’s saying he hasn’t really thought about Gabby lately, does that mean he’s moved on? Did he get some closure in the relationship?
Well, he might think so, but I’m not sure that’s true.

TVLINE | And it doesn’t look like Brett would believe it. They don’t seem to be on the same page.
No, that’s a very good description.

Chicago Fire spoilersTVLINE | Severide keeps his distance from Stella as he learns what people are saying about her and the potential promotion of the job. What impact will this have on their relationship?
It’s going to get bad, as Severide can be frustrating as he doesn’t always express what he’s thinking. [Laughs] And sometimes he has these ideas of how to handle the things he thinks is best and doesn’t realize he’s doing a mess. But in his mind, he’s doing the right thing, and he wants Stella to achieve her dreams on her terms and doesn’t want anyone to think there was some sort of favoritism or shortcut for her. So he thinks he’s doing the right thing, but will that be interpreted correctly? Probably not.

Fire fans, write the comments with your thoughts on Casey / Brett and Stella / Severide issues.


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