Chicago Lawmaker Proposes Grand Theft Auto Ban Amid Spike In Car Theft


An Illinois state lawmaker introduced a bill to ban Grand Theft Auto and other violent video games amid a spike in car hijackings in Chicago, according to a report.

Democratic Representative Marcus Evans Jr., who represents part of Windy City, introduced legislation on Friday to amend an existing state law that prohibits the sale of certain video games to minors, the Chicago Sun-Times reported.

The legislation would ban the sale of video games presenting “psychological damage”, including carjacking, to anyone, not just minors, according to the report.

“The bill would ban the sale of some of these games that promote activities that we suffer from in our communities,” Evans told the newspaper.

Last month, 218 car hijackings were reported in Chicago.

The bill also expands the definition of what constitutes a “violent video game”.


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