15 years after his death, Roberto Bolao arrives at the pear


Enjoy a pear in the middle of a thousand-acre hacienda, surrounded by deer and ox down sheep, who eat placidly so green grbad that makes any other color invisible, can be a devotional experience and very posh, although rigorously unavoidable

In the summer, dozens of English mansions offer seasons of pears. Garsington, one of the most select, has commissioned two stars of the British scene, musician David Sawer and playwright Rory Mullarkey, to create a play based on the novel "La pista de hielo" by Chilean Roberto Bolao

. The artwork will be released on July 5 in an armored detachable pavilion only during the summer, for six weeks, and whose acoustics is perfect. With tickets at 150 pounds, it has a capacity of 600 people.

The public arrives dressed in costume: dark suit and humita, the gentlemen; a long suit, the ladies, with a picnic basket and a tablecloth for the outside during a break of 85 minutes. It's a tradition that comes from far and wide in this type of country presentation.

Bolao was delighted with this place very much in tune with the novel. The pear of Garsington is located in the lands of the Getty family, the one that became famous in the world when the grandfather did not want to pay for the rescue of the grandson to the Italian Mafia and sent his ear . Although this mafia event made him change his mind and pay quickly, he did not release his grandson to repay the ransom amount to 4% annual interest.

What better scenario for this work of pbadion, pettiness, crime and betrayal!

The story takes place in the town of Z, on the Costa Brava, where appeared a beautiful and decadent Olympic figure skater named Nuria Mart (soprano Lauren Zolezzi), who has nowhere where s & rsquo; And Enric falls head over heels in love Rosquelles (the underside Grant Doyle), counselor of Z social subjects, that decides to build him with municipal money, and secretly, an ice rink in the underground of an abandoned palace of the mayor.

Pbadions and Revenge

Rosquelles does not suspect that Nuria is the lover of Remo Morn (the Ben Edquist bartono), an extremely successful Chilean in business and love . He also does not suspect that the palace is visited by the guardian of the local campsite, owned by Morn, Gaspar Heredia, a poet without documents (the tenor Sam Furness), and two vagrants, Carmen and Caridad, for whom Rosquelles asked his immediate expulsion from the city. Carmen, finding on the track that her persecutor has diverted the public budget to satisfy her purpose, takes revenge by denouncing it

The story ends when Carmen appears badbadinated in the middle of the ice smoke.

The musician David Sawer, the choice of Bolao was an accident. He saw the cover of the book recently published in English, five years ago, and bought it. When Garsington was invited to write a particular pear, he did not hesitate to choose it as a subject. He had immensely seduced his three-voice structure. Let him also put acoustic guitars and charangos in a traditional orchestra with a percussion of disco parties and street groups, as strange to the world of pear.

The difficulty was to give drama to the public to interest him. For this reason, I entrust the booklet to Rory Mullarkey, one of the youngest and most successful playwrights in the UK, who did drama workshops in Chile

Mullarkey had heard of Bolao, but he had never read it. Applied, I am in charge of your complete work and I go to the mythical camping Estrella del Mar, in Catalonia, where takes place the history. All he imagined was Gaspar Heredia and identified himself to him immediately.

Chemistry with Bolao had to be profound. Gaspar Heredia is one of his most faithful literary figures.

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