2018 World Cup: Message from Pelé to Kylian Mbappé at the World Cup


The young Kylian Mbappé finishes a good performance in 19459003 France in the quarter-finals of the 2018 World Cup in Russia, where he equalizes a record for Pelé. Before that, the Brazilian star has posted a message on social networks.

By Twitter, Pele congratulated the young world star for equaling one of her marks

YOU CAN SEE Uruguay has qualified for the quarter-finals after winning 2-1 in Portugal

"Congratulations, Mbappé, 2 goals in such a young World Cup puts them in good company! Good luck for your other matches, except against Brazil", has he posted on Twitter.

Congratulations, @ KMbappe . 2 goals in a World Cup so young puts you in good company! Good luck for your other games. Except against! ? / Parabéns, Kylian. To score 2 gols in a cup game puts you in boa companhia! Boa so no restaurant da competição. Exempted against or ??! https://t.co/DW0XcJF49m

– Pelé (@Pele) June 30, 2018

Since 1958, no player under the age of 20 has been able to score two goals in a single World Cup match. Pele won the World Cup in Sweden in 1958.

DO NOT MISS Kylian Mbappé celebrates France's qualification to the quarter-finals of the World Cup

Mbappé will lead the Argentina against Uruguay, its next opponent in the quarterfinals of the World Russia 2018 .

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