& # 39; Maestro & # 39; Tabárez: "France will be our great rival tomorrow, by no means enemies" | International


He explained why his nickname "Master". Óscar Tabárez, coach of Uruguay, played a special moment in the pre-match press conference with France

The coach had a "cultural" and respectful response when 39, he was consulted by the French team, which earned him several accolades "France is a very powerful team, I think that she has a bond with us, respectful, cultural, who has always come "began the coach.

In the same vein, Tabárez recalled that "I went to public high school and the first language they taught me, apart from Spanish, was French."

"Then we went through a lot of things: Uruguay's first great international triumph was in France The first goal of the World Cup in 1930 was made by a Frenchman in Montevideo, and there is a memorial. On the other hand, the head of the Uruguayan national team felt that "large teams of the elite, he is the one who has the most often wanted to play with us, and that's a sign of respect, "he added."

"When we look for important rivals, France has always said yes, others said no. And we recognize that, "he thanked.

In addition, Tabarez congratulated "when I was working for FIFA in 1998, they showed me the training centers, which are an example", pointing out that "many things we had in account in our working process, I confess that they had the mirror of France. "

For the same reason, Oscar Tabárez ended his speech with a message that should to be imitated by all: "That's why I think they will be our great rivals tomorrow, but by no means enemies."

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