5 sentences of General Ricardo Martínez on modern military life


A week after filtering audios in which the commander-in-chief of the army, Ricardo Martínez, reveals that officers of the institution participated in the sale from weapons to drug traffickers ] this Thursday 29, new registers were revealed that place the armed forces at the center of the conversation.

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Once again, the clinic published records of the same meeting at the military school, but this time on various topics for which Martinez advised the present, such as the importance of to have a "decent divorce", the use of social networks or the "status" of the institution at the Latin American level .

Below, excerpts from these recordings .

1. Separation and Divorce

"For me, it's not about being separated, divorced, what I'm asking is simply that they have a decent separation (…) be empathetic with the woman they leave with children, or that if they are women, that man they also leave, even if they take their children ] In other words, nobody will be limited by the military career for command or promotion (…) What I want to tell you is that the military career is ultimately forged by everyone, but the only thing I ask you to to do is to be decent with the people who are next to you and who are as gentlemen as possible and who wear this painful step in a careful way.Now, if there is any one who is separated, scandalized and clinging to mecha and violence, what do I know, how do you expect me to help you? "

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2. Instagram, Facebook and Twitter

"I know that you and I talked about it the previous time, that you will most likely use Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and everything about social networks." It is directly proportional to the Lack of security. I know that there are people who like to know that they are in the valley, I do not know how many, they are super happy because they have met I do not know who they like (…) I understand it because I know how society works, but I can not understand it for security reasons. one must be very careful because his own intelligence, the DINE and the adversary, the first thing that happens, the first that scrutinizes, are the social networks .Then, information is provided, which is suddenly claimed … this is not a problem, and it is extremely sensitive information es. "

3. The "Communist" Media

"As commander-in-chief, I must commit to giving you more information because I know that they have no information. So, you are looking for information in all the digital media that no one reads and we read them. We are like self-emblems, we cut because El Desconcierto, I do not know which one .. The Desconcierto is a means of the Communist Party … or under the influence of the Communist Party (…) regardless of party A or party B, we have a responsibility, a responsibility to ourselves and the history of the army. "

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4. Focus on gender

"In the United States, it took 20 years – between the general problem of gender, for example, the problem of homobaduals and bads – it took 20 years when all that was going on. they were not asked, but if they were watching a behavior, it happens … US 20 years to finally move to legislation like the one we Today, we, as members of the military, can only comply with the law, so we must learn quickly what we are facing, which is not an easy product, precisely of the cultural burden we have had for a long time ".


5. 130 years without war (South American referents)

"We have an enormous responsibility to maintain the same status as the Chilean army despite the fact that it was not at war there 130 years ago And why am I doing this … that it was not at war? Because the armies, when they are at war, are learning they have painful lessons, but in the end they are lessons learned We have not been at war and the neighboring armies are always looking for what we are doing For Brazil, we are referents in the subject of Armed, we are referents in the doctrine.What to say with Argentina or Colombia? Colombia, which has a fighting experience of forty or fifty years … still, 80 years old and who is asking today. to the Chilean army to send it to the staff officers to proceed with the reconstruction of the army. "[19659002] You may be interested: The Commander-in-Chief of the Army gets rid of" saber-strokes "inside the institution

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