7 years after his departure: The message of meaning of Marisela Santibáñez to her deceased daughter


This June 28 marks seven years since the departure of Rafaela Polidura daughter of the actress, Marisela Santibáñez who lost her life after acute leukemia that left her. grieved.

After 40 days of internment at San Juan de Dios hospital, the little girl has ceased to exist. This caused so much pain to the actress that to this day she remembers, with a lot of pain, a pain that will never go away.

On Twitter, Santibáñez paid tribute to little "Rafita". "Many, many times I am immobilized .. The memory is not enough for me, I do not hold you in my arms … I decided to raise myself above the pain, brave like my mother I still can not do it, my life will miss me so much … One day like today, God chose a flower … I LOVE ", writes he

However, a woman who understands very well in her pain, is the journalist Mónica Rincón, who also lost a girl.

" A big hug, understanding and sharing your pain In celebrating this, despite everything, you chose to be happy for her and for you ", she says

Many times I am immobilized … the memory is not enough for me, I do not hold you in my arms …
I decided to overcome the pain, brave like my mother
I do not still can not do it, my life will miss you so much …

One day like today, God chose a flower …
I LOVE YOU pic.twitter .com / JT4eNKthB0

– Marisela Santibáñez Novoa (@mariseka) June 28, 2018

I will be strong in the name of Rafaela
I will always be strong in the name of Rafaela
Ce was a battle of more than forty days that did not allow me to be strong.A fighter
"God went out into the garden, chose a flower and that flower called Rafaela"… kisses and hugs in paradise pic.twitter.com/UeuD5qa4uB

– Marisela Santibáñez Novoa (@ mariseka) June 28, 2018

Receive the one from whom my family is today # It is priceless … !!! Thanks to those who trust my work and the honor that inspires my fight, I am grateful and privileged to have them #SinPalabras pic.twitter.com/SOYqS8sAx6

– Marisela Santibáñez Novoa (@mariseka) June 23, 2018

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